Friday,  09/20/2024

The symposium was held to remove difficulties and obstacles for site clearance in July

– On August 5, Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee chaired a symposium to remove difficulties and obstacles and promote the progress of site clearance for construction investment projects in July 2021.

According to the report of Department of Natural Resources and Environment, in July 2021, ten districts and one city reported the situation of site clearance, through the review there are three units having problems arising including Lang Son city, Chi Lang district and Loc Binh district (decreasing two districts compared to June) in seven projects, of which Lang Son city has four projects; Chi Lang district has two projects and Loc Binh district has one project (the number of projects with problems arising decreased by six projects compared to June).

The problems arise mainly related to the application of other support mechanisms for the cases of building houses and work items on agricultural land; construction works on the recovered land area; building houses on the encroached land which is now recovered without any other residential land or houses; the case of using public land to construct ancillary works… depends on the decision-making authority of the Provincial People’s Committee.

Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee concluded the meeting

After listening to the report on the situation of difficulties and problems and proposed solutions to solve problems, submitted by Department of Natural Resources and Environment, representatives of the People’s Committees of districts, the city and functional departments, sectors reported, added, further clarified and agreed with the proposal of Department of Natural Resources and Environment on the solutions to speed up the site clearance at the projects.

Concluding the meeting, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee noted that the districts and the city made great efforts in site clearance for projects in July.

As for solutions to overcome difficulties and obstacles in July 2021, the Vice Chairman agreed with solutions proposed by Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

Regarding tasks in the upcoming time, he asked the districts and the city to register in detail the progress of each key project by month and the next month’s plan on site clearance and send it to the Steering Committee for provincial key projects to monitor and evaluate the results of task completion.

At the same time, districts must standardize the process of notification, withdrawal and compensation for site clearance of projects to ensure closeness in accordance with the law to promote the progress of works.

In addition, the People’s Committees of districts and the city must develop a propaganda outline for each specific project and direct socio-political mass organizations to coordinate in promoting propaganda to households to agree and voluntarily comply with regulations on recovery, compensation and support for resettlement when the State clears ground for projects serving socio-economic development in the locality.