Friday,  09/20/2024

Connecting resources to prepare facilities for the new school year

– To prepare for the new school year, over the past time, Department of Education and Training has taken advantage of many resources to invest and upgrade appropriate facilities to meet the requirements of teaching and learning in the school year 2021 – 2022.

According to the report of Department of Education and Training, in the school year 2021-2022, the province has 675 schools from preschool to high school. In which, there are 232 schools reaching national standards, accounting for more than 34%; management staff, teachers are more than 16,700 people, the rate of meeting the standards under the new regulations is over 80% at preschool level, over 55.5% at primary schooling level, over 67% at lower secondary schooling level, 56% at primary and secondary schooling level, 100% at high schooling level. Basically, the staff, teachers and facilities system meet teaching requirements in the new school year. Degraded works are being built, repaired and put into use in this new school year.

In Binh Gia district, in the new school year 2021-2022, the district has 57 schools with a total of 635 classrooms and more than 11,370 students. In order to ensure facilities for the new school year, the education sector has been allocated funds by the District People’s Committee and mobilized resources to invest in building facilities and equipment for schools. Mr. Nong Minh Nhuong, Head of the District Division of Education and Training said that through reviewing facilities, the District Division of Education and Training advised the District People’s Committee to invest five billion VND in building, repairing and upgrading classrooms; financial support to purchase equipment and teaching aids for the new school year worth 2.6 billion VND. At the same time, building 11 new Panen classrooms at six schools, worth one billion VND. The investment and upgrading of facilities have created a driving force to improve the quality of education in the new school year.

The teacher of Hoang Van Thu Secondary School, Binh Gia district inspected classroom furniture

Similar to Binh Gia, other districts and the city in the province are actively upgrading, renovating, expanding and repairing facilities, in order to create a spacious appearance for schools. For example, in Dinh Lap district, right after the end of the 2020-2021 school year, the District Division of Education and Training advised the District People’s Committee to prioritize the integration of capital sources for investment in renovating, repairing and upgrading facilities for schools, in which, priority is given to items such as classrooms, libraries, department rooms and function rooms… Accordingly, in this new school year, the district’s education sector has invested in building nine new department rooms and function rooms; 37 school administration rooms and 11 classrooms.

It is known that right after the end of the 2020-2021 school year, Department of Education and Training coordinated with the People’s Committees of districts and the city to review equipment, supplement and replace degraded tables and chairs. During this summer, Department of Education and Training has completed and handed over 507 sets of teacher tables and chairs, 5,439 sets of student tables and chairs, worth nearly 11 billion VND to schools. Along with that, Department of Education and Training also advises the Provincial People’s Committee, coordinates with the People’s Committees of districts and the city to increase investment, accelerate the completion of facilities as a premise for ensuring the quality of education. In which, focusing on mobilizing from many sources (provincial and district funding, the national target program on building new-style rural areas, mobilized funding,…) to invest in strengthening school facilities and building schools’ clean water works, toilets. Up to now, nearly 100% of school units have clean water sources and toilets for teachers and students to use.

In addition to the investment capital of the State, the provincial education and training sector also strengthens mobilization of socialization resources to invest in facilities and equipment, contributing to creating motivation to improve the quality of education in the upcoming time. From the beginning of 2021 until now, the whole sector has mobilized over 21 billion VND, more than 5,280 m2 of land, over 92,700 labor days to build, repair and supplement school and classroom facilities for schools.

In just a few days, students in the province will enter the new school year 2021 – 2022, the preparation of facilities and equipment for schools has been immediately carried out by the education and training sector, districts and the city. It is believed that the appearance of schools and classrooms will have many changes to meet the renovation requirements of today’s education

“Up to now, the system of facilities, the network of schools, classrooms and teaching equipment at all levels and grades have continued to be upgraded by localities. Although there are still many shortages, thanks to efforts to take advantage of resources to invest in building, renovating and upgrading school facilities, up to now, the system of schools, classrooms and facilities in the province has improved significantly, making an important contribution to attracting students to class and improving the quality of teaching and learning”.

Mr. Ho Cong Liem, Deputy Director of Department of Education and Training