Saturday,  09/21/2024

Strengthening the prevention and control of avian influenza A/H5N8

– In August 2021, in the province, there were clusters of avian influenza A/H5N8, which is a highly virulent strain of virus that has a high risk of spreading to humans. Facing that fact, the authorities in the province have strengthened measures to prevent and control disease clusters right from a small area.

Specifically, on August 9, 2021, in Huu Lung district, a cluster of avian influenza appeared in Dong But village, Yen Binh commune, after the district Agricultural Service Center sent samples for testing at the Sub-Department of Animal Health Zone 2 which was tested positive for avian influenza A/H5N8 virus. After that, the province continued to record avian influenza clusters in 2 villages (Na Noong, Keo Cap) of Trang Dinh and Cao Loc districts. The total number of poultry destroyed was 1,416 with a total weight of 1,443 kg.

According to the Sub-Department of Livestock Production and Animal Health, when infected with highly virulent avian influenza virus A/H5N8, poultry often die suddenly, without clinical symptoms, the mortality rate is up to 100% of the total flock within a few days, causing great damage to farmers.

Facing that situation, the local authorities have stepped up the implementation of many measures. Mr. Nguyen Nam Hung, Director of the Sub-Department of Livestock Production and Animal Health said: “Immediately after detecting the cluster of avian influenza A/H5N8, the sub-department instructed to destroy all poultry flocks and distributed 37 liters of antiseptic, 400 kg of lime powder for livestock households in epidemic villages to spray disinfectant. At the same time, the sub-department directed the district Agricultural Service Centers and grassroots veterinarians to strengthen supervision and propaganda for livestock households when there are unusually sick or dead poultry, which should be promptly notified for inspection and handling.”

Member of Thanh Loc Cooperative, Thong Nhat commune (Loc Binh district) inspecting poultry flocks

Implementing the directive documents, the district’s Agricultural Service Centers have strengthened coordination with the People’s Committees of the communes, the grassroots veterinarians to organize spraying to disinfect the barns, and to train farmers in the direction of biosecurity. Mr. Vu Hong Quan, Deputy Director of Agricultural Service Center of Cao Loc district, said: “Currently, the whole district has over 322 thousand poultry. On August 24, 2021, in the district, a cluster of avian influenza A/H5N8 was found in Keo Cap village (Hoa Cu commune), immediately after detecting it, we cooperated with local authorities and people to destroy all the poultry, provided 12 liters of han-iodine to spray and disinfect the outbreak area and livestock households in the village. At the same time, mobilized 87 households in the village to sign the “5K” commitment to prevent and control the epidemic. As for the communes that haven’t record any avian influenza cases, we suggest that the commune People’s Committees direct the veterinary force to strengthen daily inspection and supervision to early detect the disease and handle it promptly. Currently, in the district, no new clusters of avian influenza  A/H5N have been detected.”

Not only professional agencies, to protect poultry flocks, livestock households and people also need to proactively take preventive measures. Ms. Hoang Thi Bach, Dong Tan commune, Huu Lung district said: My family currently has nearly 2,000 broiler chickens. To limit diseases, especially the avian influenza  A/H5N8 at present, as recommended by the commune veterinarian, I clean the barn once every day, fully vaccinate, supply nutrious food  and regularly monitor the status of poultry.

With the strengthening measures by specialized agencies and the initiative of the people, up to this point, the disease clusters have been basically controlled, not arising and spreading to surrounding livestock households. Currently, Hoa Cu commune, Cao Loc district has not had any outbreaks for 21 days, and specialized agencies are continuing to follow up and monitor the situation.

In the coming time, functional sectors of the province will continue to propagate and grasp the situation about the disease from grassroots veterinarians in order to take timely measures; strengthen coordination with relevant functional forces to strictly control the trade and transportation of poultry and poultry products. Thereby, avoiding the disease from spreading on a large scale, reducing damage to the livestock industry.

Currently, the province has 5,176 thousand poultry, an increase of 3.1% over the same period in 2020, in which, concentrated in districts: Huu Lung, Chi Lang, Bac Son… To develop a stable poultry farming, from the beginning of 2021 to the middle of September 2021, specialized agencies and related units have promoted propaganda, proactively preventing and combating various types of avian influenza, vaccinated 884,928 poultry (an increase of 6% compared to the same period last year), supplying 6,397 liters of disinfectant to 185 communes, wards and towns across 11 districts and city for concentrated spraying in 1,202 villages for 49,617 households, estimated concentrated spraying area of 8,965,039 m2.