Friday,  09/20/2024

Lang Son: Welcoming nearly 400 workers from epidemic areas in Bac Giang province to return to the province

– On June 10, in Bac Giang province, Lang Son Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, in collaboration with Department of Health and related forces, welcomed nearly 400 Lang Son citizens out of 1,063 workers from epidemic areas in Bac Giang province to return to the province to continue quarantine and health monitoring in accordance with epidemic prevention and control regulations.

Accordingly, functional forces have prepared 18 passenger coaches and nearly 30 medical staff to pick up nearly 400 Lang Son citizens who are working in industrial parks and temporarily staying in communes and township in Viet Yen district, Bac Giang province (except for Tang Tien commune).

Clip: The coach picked up citizens to return to localities and to the concentrated quarantine area in Cao Loc district

The citizens who were picked up to return to the province this time include Covid-19 cases having been cured, F1 cases having completed concentrated quarantine; citizens in lockdown areas have been tested three times with negative results.

The citizens were gathered at gathering places in Hong Thai commune, Van Trung commune, Viet Yen district, classified and arranged by district and boarded vehicles to return to concentrated quarantine areas in districts, the city in the province.

After the citizens were picked up to return to concentrated quarantine areas in districts and the city in the province, citizens would be screened, taken samples for testing and organized quarantine classification according to the form of concentrated quarantine or home quarantine.

The officials of Cao Loc District Health Center sprayed disinfectant on vehicles picking up citizens of Cao Loc district from Bac Giang province’s epidemic areas to return to the province at the concentrated medical quarantine area in the Center for Vocational Training and Support for Farmers, Yen Trach commune, Cao Loc district

Lang Son citizens gathered at the People’s Committee of Hong Thai Commune, Viet Yen district, Bac Giang province to prepare to board coaches to return to Lang Son.

The officials of Lang Son City Health Center took samples for testing from citizens returning from epidemic areas in Bac Giang province

Specifically, nearly 400 citizens have been sent to concentrated quarantine areas in districts and the city to ensure safety and compliance with regulations. In which, Huu Lung district has the largest number of citizens with 119 people.

After getting off coaches, the citizens had their temperature checked, being screened, taken samples for testing and classified according to the appropriate forms of quarantine. The transportation process complied with the regulations of Ministry of Health.

According to the plan, on June 11, Lang Son will continue to welcome nearly 700 Lang Son citizens at the gathering place in Tang Tien commune, Viet Yen district, Bac Giang province to return to the province to continue quarantine measures according to regulations.