Friday,  09/20/2024

A warm Lunar New Year for everyone

In these days, all levels, sectors, unions, organizations and benefactors in the province have been actively and urgently carrying out activities of visiting, giving gifts, taking care of the poor, people with extremely difficult circumstances, beneficiaries of social protection, people with meritorious services, policy households, poor workers in the province. Thereby, they contributed to sharing difficulties, encouraging the subjects to overcome their circumstances, and welcome the New Year warmly and happily.

The Lunar New Year is an important moment marking the transition between the old year and the new year, an opportunity for people to reunite with family and relatives happily and warmly… But for many policy beneficiaries, poor households, ethnic minority people, especially people in remote areas of the province, there are still many worries when the Lunar New Year is coming.

Leaders of the People’s Committee of Van Quan district and the provincial Red Cross Association helped Mr. Dam Van Trang’s family, Ban Mu village, Tu Xuyen commune to decorate the peach blossom tree on Tet holiday at the “Spring of love” meal program.

Understanding the situation, the Party Committees, authorities, Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations in the province has been focusing on leading, directing and organizing the well implementation of social welfare and security policies, especially for policy families, poor households, people with special circumstances, and ethnic minorities. Therefore, for them, each New Year will feel warmer when receiving the attention of the leaders of the Party, State, Party committees,  local authorities and socio-political organizations.

Currently, according to incomplete statistics of the Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, the province has nearly 24,000 gift sets for objects on the occasion of Lunar New Year, with a budget of over 12 billion VND. In which, 7,224 subjects and relatives of patients received gifts from the President with a budget of 2.1 billion VND; 7,224 beneficiaries, their relatives received gifts from the provincial budget with a budget of  4,334 billion VND; 2,300 gifts for poor households, households with social protection beneficiaries, elderly people with extremely difficult circumstances, lonely elderly people, especially severely disabled people in the province, each gift is worth 600,000 VND from the provincial budget with a budget of 1,380 billion VND. Along with that, through the program “Joining hands to celebrate Lunar New Year with the poor people”, the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front gave 200 gifts to poor households and special specials, each worth 1.2 million VND with a total budget of 240 million VND; VINGROUP Group donated 2,000 gifts to people in poor districts in 5 border districts, each worth 600,000 VND with a budget of 1.2 billion VND…

In these days near the Lunar New Year, with the motto “Leave No One Behind”, “Leave No Family Without Lunar New Year”, businesses, banks, mass organizations and benefactors in the province have actively joined hands to take care of Lunar New Year for workers and people with difficult circumstances. In which, banks such as Social Policy, Foreign Trade Lang Son branch, Agriculture and Rural Development Lang Son branch… awarded nearly 3,000 gifts with a total budget of about 1.5 billion VND; The charity fund and the global Vinfast Community donated 1,000 gifts to poor households, people with disabilities with a cost of 600 million VND; The Vietnam Children’s Fund donated 800 sets of warm clothes to children in 10 districts in the province, 500 thousand VND each with a budget of 400 million VND…

Mrs. Tran Thi Nga, Deputy Director of Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank) Lang Son branch said: During the 2023 Lunar New Year, Vietcombank Lang Son cooperated with the Red Cross Associations of provinces, districts and cities to give thousands of “Tet of Kindness” gifts to poor and near poor households in the locality. In addition, we cooperated with branches across the country to donate 10 charity houses in districts, each branches supported 50 million VND. The total value of Vietcombank’s social security activities this year is about 5 billion VND.

As one of 300 households in the commune who received a meaningful Lunar New Year gift from the leader of the Social Policy Bank’s trade union, Mrs. Dinh Thi Dieu, Ban Cum village, Thach Dan commune, Cao Loc district touchedly shared: My family is a poor household, with 4 members, me and my husband are farmers, my children go to work in a company in Bac Giang. My husband was often sick, so we couldn’t save any money because we had to take care of his medicine. The children went to work at the company, but they were translating all the time, the job was not stable, the income was not much help. The Lunar New Year is near, with the bank’s attention and support for Tet gifts, my family thanks a lot, feels shared and encouraged a lot.

Leaders of the Union of Social Policy Bank gave Lunar  New Year gifts to people in Thach Dan commune, Cao Loc district

Lang Son city is home to nearly 1,000 people with disabilities, nearly 2,000 people with social protection; 65 poor households, 51 near-poor households. In 2022, social security work has been taken care of by the Party Committee and city government.  With the 2023 Lunar New Year is very near, the city’s leaders have directed specialized agencies to coordinate with the People’s Committees of wards and communes to review poor, near-poor households and families with special circumstances to have a plan to mobilize and support in the spirit of ensuring that every family has a Lunar New Year holiday. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Hong Van, Vice Chairman of Lang Son City People’s Committee said: As of January 12, 2023, the total number of gifts the city received from socialization sources supported 608 gifts on the occasion of the 2023 Lunar New Year, worth nearly 290 million VND. In addition, the People’s Committee of the city has directed the wards and communes to be proactive from the funds of the wards and communes and socialization mobilization sources from units, businesses and benefactors to give gifts to nearly 1,000 people with the budget over 500 million VND.

With the participation of localities, associations have also actively mobilized and organized many Tet holiday and charity activities for employees and the people. The activities are not only material gifts but also focus on spiritual and health factors for the people and employees to improve their quality of life. For many years, the Red Cross Association has always been a reliable place for donors, benefactors and businesses to accompany them on their volunteer journeys, organize humanitarian and social welfare activities.

Mrs. Nong Bich Thuan, Chairwoman of the Provincial Red Cross Association, said: The Provincial Red Cross Association has implemented the “Lunar New Year of Kindness” movement in 2023 along with allocating targets to the Red Cross Associations of districts and city, according to which the assigned targets 17,500 gifts; The association strives to reach 18,000 gifts Up to now, the provincial Red Cross Associations, branches and clubs have coordinated and organized to visit and give about 14,000 gifts, worth nearly 7 billion VND. In which, we cooperated with Van Quan District People’s Committee to organize a meal program “Spring of love” for the family of Mr. Dam Van Trang, Ban Mu village, Tu Xuyen commune. This is an activity that helps poor families have the opportunity to be well cared for, enjoy Lunar New  Year in the love and care of the village and the community.

Mr. Pham Duc Huan, Director of the Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs said: Along with the initiative of the Party committees, authorities and mass organizations at all levels to take care of policy beneficiaries, poor households, in the past 2 years, despite facing many difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic, agencies, units, businesses and benefactors in the province are still trying to overcome difficulties and maintain socio-economic development to give many gifts to poor households, social protection … on the occasion of the Lunar New Year – the traditional Tet of the Vietnamese people. Giving Tet gifts to people with meritorious services and policy beneficiaries; the Lunar New year support for poor households, near-poor households, ethnic minorities, people with special circumstances… has made the joy spread in the warm spring atmosphere, happy Tet holiday throughout the province. This is not only the responsibility of the sector but also the responsibility of the whole society, the traditional beauty of the nation’s mutual love and affection.

Only a few days left until the 2023 Lunar New Year, believing that, with the timely attention and care of the Provincial Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee, Fatherland Front Committee, organizations, mass organizations, businesses, benefactors and people in the whole province, it is sure that Tet will come to every families, so that policy families, the poor, people of ethnic minorities, especially people in remote and isolated areas will have a happy, warm and loving Tet.