Friday,  09/20/2024

Commemorating the 60th year of Vietnam Agent Orange Disaster

– On the morning of August 9, the Provincial Association for victims of Agent Orange held a ceremony to commemorate the Vietnam Agent Orange Disaster Day (August 10, 1961 – August 10, 2021).

Attending the ceremony were Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Member of Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee; Mr. Dinh Huu Hoc, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Council, together with representatives of departments, commissions, sectors of the province, People’s Committees of districts, city and agent orange victims in the province.

At the ceremony, leaders of the Provincial Association for victims of Agent Orange reviewed the heroic years of Vietnamese People in the war against the US for independence and national reunification. Accordingly, Lang Son has about 4,000 veterans who directly participated in the war and served in battlefields B, C, and K (area where the US military sprayed toxic chemicals) suspected of being exposed to Agent Orange chemical. Currently, there are only 798 people in the province who are entitled to the State’s regime for being infected with Agent Orange chemical, of ​​which 439 are direct victims and 359 are their biological children.

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, acknowledged the positive results of the Vietnam Association for victims of Agent Orange (VAVA) at all levels in caring and helping the victims of Agent Orange and their families, creating favorable conditions to help the victim’s family rose up in the community integration. He also suggested that, in the coming time, all levels, sectors and mass organizations continue to promote propaganda work so that people of all classes have a better understanding on the Agent Orange disaster in Vietnam. Continue to promote the implementation of Directive 43-CT/TW dated May 14, 2015 of the Secretariat of the Party Central Committee on strengthening the Party’s leadership in dealing with the consequences of toxic chemicals used by the US during the war in Vietnam.

Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, presents flowers to the Provincial Association for victims of Agent Orange.

Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee awarded the Certificate of Merit from the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee to the groups for their achievements in building the association in the period 2015 -2020

Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee donates fund to support Agent Orange victims

Leaders of the Provincial Association for victims of Agent Orange award certificates of merit from the Central Vietnam Association for victims of Agent Orange to the group for their achievements in the emulation movement ” For Agent Orange victims” in the 2016-2021 period

Leaders of the Women’s Union award certificates of merit to typical individuals who overcame difficulties in taking care of and nurturing Agent Orange victims.

All levels, sectors, People’s Committees of districts and city need to further strengthen coordination to ensure better implementation of regimes and policies for people infected with toxic chemicals and provide medical support, livelihood support for Agent Orange victims. Along with that, continue to pay attention to review the records of victims exposed to Agent Orange to advise competent agencies to consider those victims entitled to regimes and policies as prescribed by the State. The VAVA in the province should continue to build and strengthen the organization, renovate the content and operation method to take care of  the Agent Orange victims in a timely and effective manner.

On this occasion, 30 individuals were awarded medals “For Agent Orange victims” and 5 groups and 1 individual were awarded certificates of merit from the Central VAVA for their achievements in the emulation movement “For Agent Orange Victims” period 2016 – 2021; 8 groups and 6 individuals received certificates of merit from the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; The Provincial Association for victims of Agent Orange awarded certificates of merit to 15 groups and 19 individuals for their achievements in building the association, propagating and responding to the emulation movement ” For Agent Orange victims ” in the period 2015 – 2020.

Along with that, the Provincial Women’s Union also awarded certificates of merit to 34 individuals who are typical women who have overcome difficulties in taking care and nurturing Agent Orange victims. At the same time, leaders of the Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs read the letter of appeal from the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee on “Supporting and contributing to support Agent Orange victims in the province in 2021”, the time to launch the support from August 9, 2021 to the end of 2021.