Friday,  09/20/2024

The COVID-19 pandemic situation in the area is complicated but it is still under control

– On November 10, the Provincial People’s Committee held a 3-level online meeting on strengthening measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic in the area.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Deputy Head of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control chaired the meeting.

Attending the meeting were Mrs. Doan Thi Hau, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Council and members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee; members of the Provincial Steering Committee and the Board of Directors at all levels.

According to the report of the Provincial People’s Committee, from May 6, 2021 to 3:00 p.m. on November 10, 2021, the whole province recorded 270 cases of COVID-19. Currently, there are 49 cases of F0 being treated at medical facilities in the area; 528 F1 cases, 1,119 F2 cases related to the above cases are being isolated and monitored to ensure compliance with regulations and safety.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee delivers a directing speech at the meeting

Especially, from October 1, 2021 to the afternoon of November 10, 2021, the whole province recorded 58 cases of COVID-19 (in the 10 days of November, the whole province recorded 48 cases). In particular, the new COVID-19 cases are mainly long-distance drivers, workers returning from industrial zones outside the province and spreading in their families.

Vaccination against COVID-19 in the area has been implemented quickly, promptly, safely and effectively with the proportion of people aged 18 and over/population having received at least 1 dose of COVID-19 vaccine reached 91.44% (excluding the number of injections from outside the province); the rate of people over 65 years old who received 2 full doses of vaccine reached 91.35%.

The Steering Committee believes that the risk of the disease entering and spreading in the community is very large because many COVID-19 cases have been recorded related to the citizens returning from industrial zones in the provinces of Bac Giang, Bac Ninh and from pandemic areas; COVID-19 cases were still recorded from long-distance truck drivers transporting goods from pandemic areas to border gates in the area; The unrestricted movement of people to localities with level 1 and level 2 pandemic increases the risk of disease entering and spreading into the area.

Speaking at the meeting, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee emphasized: “The pandemic in the area is complicated, but still under control and can be well controlled, not letting it spread in the community.”

He asked the units to continue to thoroughly grasp the ideas, strictly and fully implement the instructions of the Central Government and the province on pandemic prevention and control, not to be negligent, subjective and not bewildered in the prevention of pandemics.

The districts and city need to apply flexible and appropriate pandemic prevention and control measures based on the actual situation in the locality; strengthen propaganda measures to raise people’s awareness in pandemic prevention and control.

At the same time, units need to actively implement “dual goals” and develop plans to effectively and flexibly implement Resolution 128/NQ-CP dated October 11, 2021 of the Government on promulgating temporary regulations “safely adapting, flexibly, effectively controlling the COVID-19 pandemic”.

The inspection, supervision and management of long-distance drivers and citizens returning from outside the province need to be tightened and strict and serious isolation work should be implemented, do not allow cross-contamination and spread in the community.

As for the Department of Health, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested the mobile unit to purchase medical supplies and equipment for pandemic prevention and control; mobilize the private health system to participate in supporting pandemic prevention and control. At the same time, continue to accelerate the progress of vaccination against COVID-19 with the goal of the fastest, safest and most effective, contributing to protecting the people’s health and safety.