Friday,  09/20/2024

Units need to continue to strictly implement pandemic prevention and control

– On September 6, the Provincial People’s Committee held a meeting to assess the pandemic situation in the area and propose solutions to prevent and control the pandemic in the coming time. Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Provincial Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control chaired the meeting.

According to the report of the Provincial Steering Committee, from May 6, 2021 to September 5, 2021, the whole province recorded 208 cases of COVID-19. In which, 157 cases have been cured, 1 case has died. Currently, there are 50 cases of COVID-19 being monitored and treated (31 are being treated at Van Lang District Medical Center, 19 are being treated at the Central Hospital for Tropical Diseases), all the cases are healthy and mentally stable.

For COVID-19 vaccination, from April 26, 2021 to September 5, 2021, the whole province administered 182,411 doses of 186,128 received doses of vaccine (reaching 98%); the rate of having received at least 1 dose of vaccine on people aged 18 years old and older reached 32.99%.

For Van Lang district, after implementing social distancing according to Directive 16 of the Prime Minister from 12:00 on August 25, 2021, after 13 days, the pandemic in the area was basically controlled. 15 out of 17 communes and towns did not detect any new F0. At the outbreak in Tan Thanh commune, 25 days have passed without any new infections; Na Sam town’s outbreak is still at risk because in the last 7 days, some new cases have been recorded in the blockade area.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee delivered a concluding speech at the meeting

Speaking at the meeting, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee asked the units to continue to drastically implement measures to prevent and control the pandemic and absolutely not to be negligent and subjective in the spirit of “one step ahead, one step higher” when fighting the pandemic. In particular, units need to strictly implement the guiding motto of the Prime Minister which is to build “each commune, ward and town become a fortress, each citizen become a soldier in the fight against the pandemic”.

As for the response plan for the pandemic level with 5,000 people infected with COVID-19, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested the units to develop detailed and specific plan suitable for each unit. At the same time, the health sector needs to strengthen coordination with relevant units to complete the above plan ensuring that it is the most comprehensive plan and also ensuring the completion of the plan before September 15, 2021. The procurement of equipment for pandemic prevention and control must be reasonable and suitable for the “dual goals” – serving the prevention and control of the pandemic while also serving the needs of people’s health care across the locality.

According to the pandemic situation in Van Lang district, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested the Van Lang district committee after the implementation of social distancing in the whole district according to Directive 16 of the Prime Minister (14 days from 12:00 on August 25, 2021) is over, the unit will continue to apply appropriate measures in 15/17 communes and towns in the area depending on the actual situation. In particular, for Na Sam town, social distancing will continue to be implemented under Directive 16 for an additional 7 days; Tan Thanh commune will comply with Directive 15 of the Prime Minister and may add some appropriate pandemic prevention measures to ensure that this is a “green zone, a pandemic-free area” to serve import and export activities.

Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested the Department of Education and Training to coordinate with functional forces to strengthen inspection and supervision of pandemic prevention and control at schools, ensuring the safety of students and teachers.