Friday,  09/20/2024

Huu Lung district needs to make efforts to ensure all eligible people in the area vaccinated against COVID-19

– On the morning of September 30, the delegation of the Provincial People’s Committee led by Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee inspected large scale COVID-19 vaccination in Huu Lung district.

The delegation inspected the implementation of a large-scale COVID-19 vaccination campaign at vaccination stations including Cai Kinh Commune Health Centre, Dong Tan Commune Health Centre and Minh Son Commune Health Centre.

Through the actual inspection, the delegation assessed that vaccinating, screening and monitoring of post-injection reactions at the above locations were well implemented, in accordance with regulations, safe and ensuring the good work of epidemic prevention and control. People came to participate in vaccination on time, strictly complying with regulations on the epidemic prevention and control.

The delegation visited and encouraged the people participating in COVID-19 vaccination

In addition to the inspection, the delegation visited and encouraged the forces involved in vaccination to work with the highest spirit and responsibility to complete the task well.

At a meeting with Huu Lung District Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control, the delegation listened to the leader of the district reporting on the progress of implementing a large-scale COVID-19 vaccination campaign in the area.

Accordingly, the unit has organized vaccination at 23 vaccination stations of the communes; arranged three mobile first-aid teams and 23 on-site emergency groups to ensure timely emergency treatment of post-vaccination reactions.

The delegation checked the COVID-19 vaccination procedure at Dong Tan Commune Health Centre, Huu Lung District

As a result, from September 25, 2021 to the end of September 29, 2021, the whole district had more than 23,300 people vaccinated against COVID-19 (reaching 51.25% of the plan). It is expected that by October 5, 2021, Huu Lung district will have completed a large-scale COVID-19 vaccination campaign, striving to reach 98% to 100% of people aged 18 and over residing in the area being vaccinated with at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine.

Concluding the inspection session, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee spoke highly of COVID-19 vaccination and the epidemic prevention and control in Huu Lung district.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee delivered a concluding speech at the meeting with Huu Lung District Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control

The Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested that in order to successfully complete the vaccination campaign in the area, Huu Lung district needs to further accelerate the vaccination schedule for the People; well perform the screening, monitoring and timely handling of post-injection reactions.

In addition, the district needs to actively review cases of local people studying, working outside the province and cases from other localities working in the area to ensure all are vaccinated.

In particular, he suggested that the unit focus on doing well the propaganda about the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination for the People to target all eligible people aged 18 and over in the area to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

After vaccination, the unit needs to continue to propagate to the people to strictly follow regulations on the epidemic prevention and control, not to be subjective or to ignore the complicated developments of the epidemic situation. At the same time, the unit needs to well implement many solutions to restore production, restore and develop the economy in the area, contributing to the successful implementation of the “dual goals” in the coming time.