Friday,  09/20/2024

Van Quan to continue strengthening propaganda so people can fully participate in vaccination

– On the afternoon of September 29, the delegation of the Provincial People’s Committee led by Mrs. Doan Thu Ha, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee, inspected the COVID – 19 vaccination in Van Quan district.

At the meeting, the delegation inspected the implementation of a large-scale COVID-19 vaccination campaign at health stations: Van Quan town, Binh Phuc commune, Diem He commune. At the checkpoints, the vaccination is strictly carried out under regulations to ensure pandemic prevention and control. People who come to vaccinate are happy, agreed, on schedule and obey the regulations.

Doan Thu Ha, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee speaks at the meeting with the Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control in Van Quan District

At each checkpoint, the delegation visited and encouraged medical staff and the forces serving the vaccination to try their best to complete the assigned tasks. Along with that, the members of the delegation thoughtfully asked about the health of the people participating in the vaccination and wished each vaccination participant to well observe the regulations on pandemic prevention and control as well as propagate to relatives and family to get vaccinated at the earliest to achieve widespread vaccine coverage in the area.

In the meeting, leaders of Van Quan district reported to the delegation on the implementation of a large-scale COVID-19 vaccination campaign in the area. Accordingly, to complete the campaign according to the plan, the district organized vaccination at 18 locations of communes and towns and at the district health center; established 1 mobile first aid team and 18 on-site emergency teams, ensuring first aid for post-injection reactions (if any) on time, ensuring the highest safety for the People. As a result, from September 23 to 11:30 a.m. on September 29, 2021, the whole district had more than 18,000 people vaccinated for COVID-19 (reaching 53.1% of the plan).

In particular, the district has 2 communes: Hoa Binh and Khanh Khe, which have basically completed a large-scale vaccination campaign with the proportion of people aged 18 and over residing in the area receiving at least 1 dose of vaccine is over 90% (people such as the elderly, people with underlying diseases, etc.. will be vaccinated to complete the plan).

The delegation visits the people come to get vaccinated for COVID-19 in Diem He commune, Van Quan district

Concluding the meeting, the Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee noted and highly appreciated the COVID -19 vaccination and the prevention and control of pandemics in Van Quan district. With the complicated development of the pandemic, the Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested Van Quan district to continue strictly implementing the regulations on pandemic prevention and control, readying plans and scenarios to prepare for the worst-case scenario that could happen. In particular, the unit needs to make efforts in realizing the “dual goal” of effective pandemic prevention and rapid socio-economic recovery and development in the near future.

Regarding the vaccination, the Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee suggested that the district continue to overcome difficulties in terms of facilities, traffic and information technology to organize the implementation to ensure the completion of the set plan; continue to promote the propaganda and mobilization of union members and members of socio-political associations and organizations at grassroots level so that each citizen can fully and safely get vaccinated.