Friday,  09/20/2024

The leader of the Central Economic Committee worked in Lang Son

(LSO) – On December 11, 2020, the delegation of the Central Economic Committee led by Mr. Cao Duc Phat, Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Head of the Standing Committee of the Central Economic Committee, worked in Lang Son province on economic, trading and investing cooperation between Vietnam and China, especially in the field of agricultural trade.

Working with the delegation, on the side of Lang Son province, there were Mrs. Doan Thu Ha, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee and the leaders of some departments and sectors of the province, leaders of Lang Son City People’s Committee, some border districts and communes.

Mr. Cao Duc Phat, Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Head of the Standing Committee of the Central Economic Committee spoke at the meeting

According to the report at the meeting, over the past years, thanks to the efforts to lead, direct and strengthen cooperation, promote investment, develop cross border economy, border trade, Lang Son province has achieved received many positive results, contributing to the realization of the development goal of becoming a gateway for goods transshipment of the whole country and ASEAN countries to the Chinese market and vice versa.

The central-leveled mechanisms and policies on investment and implementation of import and export activities at border gates have been implemented flexibly and professionally; many activities, programs of meeting, exchanging, cooperating, promoting and advertising the investment and business environment have been successfully organized; items, works serving state management, import and export, entry and exit … at the border gate area have been invested and completed.

Up to now, the infrastructure systems and warehouses at all border gates are basically invested to meet the requirements and are very convenient for the import and export activities of the country. Every year, there are about 3,000 enterprises nationwide engaged in importing and exporting goods through border gates in the province; there are about 1,500 vehicles passing per day; the total import-export turnover through Lang Son in recent years has grown fairly well, averaging about 5 billion USD a year, of which mainly fruits and agricultural products are exported.

Mrs. Doan Thu Ha, Vice Chairwoman of People’s Committee of Lang Son province spoke at the meeting

In addition to the achieved results, the difficulties and challenges in trade and investment relations between the two countries still exist.

At the meeting, the members of the working delegation, leaders of Lang Son Provincial People’s Committee, representatives of departments, branches and People’s Committees of some districts discussed and clarified the situation of economic and commercial and investing cooperation between Vietnam and China, especially in agricultural trade in Lang Son province.

Concluding the meeting, Mr. Cao Duc Phat, Member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Head of the Standing Committee of the Central Economic Committee acknowledged and appreciated the results achieved by Lang Son province in 2020 including the efforts to maintain import and export activities of goods through the province with China, contributing to the economic development of the province as well as other localities in the country.

The delegation of the Central Economic Committee surveyed the situation of goods import and export at Tan Thanh border gate

He reminded that in the coming time, Lang Son province needed to continue promoting cooperation in many fields with China, including economic and commercial cooperation; there should be specific planning to focus on systematic infrastructure connection; study and apply the public-private cooperation mechanism in infrastructure development; strengthen talks, exchanges with China to facilitate trade, import and export of goods etc.

Speaking at the meeting, the Vice Chairwoman of Lang Son Provincial People’s Committee thanked the delegation for exchanging, orienting and suggesting issues related to economic, trade and investment cooperation between Vietnam and China so that the province would continue to specify in the next work program.

She suggested that in the coming time, the Central Economic Committee as well as ministries and branches continue to pay attention, support and create conditions for the province to continue to achieve positive results in socio-economic development.

On the same day, the delegation of the Central Economic Committee surveyed at Huu Nghi International Border Gate, Tan Thanh Border Gate, Dong Dang International Railway Station Border Gate and worked with the Management Board of Dong Dang – Lang Son Border Gate Economic Zone, Lang Son city People’s Committee and a number of Chinese enterprises investing in the province.