Friday,  09/20/2024

Lang Son City: Strengthening Covid-19 prevention and control measures in markets

– With a large number of people coming to exchange, buy and sell goods, the risk of disease transmission at markets in the city is very high. Therefore, the Covid-19 prevention and control epidemic at markets has been strengthened by the authorities and markets’ management.

“Gieng Vuong” or “Square Well” Market, Hoang Van Thu Ward is one of the largest markets in Lang Son city. There are more than 500 registered business establishments for trading goods. It is recorded that the number of daily arrivals in the market is more than 1,500. According to our records, to ensure the pandemic prevention and control, the Market’s Management Board pays attention to providing Covid-19 updates and prevention measures to small businesses in the market every day with the aim to advise them to strictly observe prevention regulations such as wearing face masks and no large gatherings. For customers entering and exiting the market, the Market’s Management Board requires them to use hand sanitizer at the gate area and wear face masks before entering the market.

Ms. Vu Mai Nhung, Head of “Gieng Vuong” Market’s Management Board said: “Along with promoting propaganda in the market area, the unit regularly cooperates with related units to perform environmental sanitation and spraying disinfectant. For example, on May 16 and May 17, the Management Board coordinated with Lang Son International Health Quarantine Center to disinfect the entire market area to prevent and control the Covid-19 pandemic”.

Workers of International Health Quarantine Center sprayed disinfectant at Gieng Vuong market

Similarly, in other markets in the city area such as Dong Kinh, Bo Song, Ky Lua, Chi Lang, their market management boards have been strengthening propaganda to business households and visitors to implement Covid-19 pandemic prevention and control in accordance with the “5K” recommendation of Ministry of Health. The above-mentioned work is carried out under many forms such as using loudspeakers to provide Covid-19 information; using direct propaganda; delivering leaflets, banners… Thanks to that, basically all citizens fully understand the prevention regulations. Along with that, at market gates, disinfectant water is prepared, and security guards are arranged to remind people to wear masks when entering the market… Especially, since the Covid-19 pandemic came back, all the market management boards in the city have organized weekly disinfectants sprays in all areas in the market and reminded business establishment to pay attention to maintaining hygiene around their stalls.

Mr. Nguyen Khanh Linh, an owner of a business establishment in Gieng Vuong market said: “Being aware of the current complicated pandemic situation, we fully follow prevention and control regulations and suggestions, for example when selling goods, if we see customers without face coverings, we will remind them of that immediately.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phat, living in Hoang Van Thu ward, Lang Son city said: Because of my business, I often go to large markets in Lang Son city. Thanks to the regular propaganda from the market management boards and realizing the risk of disease transmission in markets, I always wash my hands to disinfect, wear a face covering whenever traveling to the marker.

Having realized the importance and urgency of the Covid-19 prevention and control, as soon as the pandemic came back in some localities, the Economic Division of Lang Son city promptly advised Lang Son City People’s Committee to implement measures to prevent and control the virus at markets in the city.

Mr. Pham Cong Cuong, Head of Economic Division of Lang Son city said: To ensure the prevention and control of the pandemic, the division has actively advised of Lang Son city People’s Committee to direct Wards’ People’s Committees to coordinate with markets’ management boards and request them to sign commitments to implement regulations on Covid-19 prevention and control for 100% of business households in markets. Currently, Covid-19 prevention and control regulations are implemented with good results. It is reported that both business owners and customers obey these regulations.

It can be concluded that the solutions of the functional branches and agencies of Lang Son city and market management board have contributed greatly to preventing and controlling the Covid-19 epidemic in the area. However, in response to the current complicated development of the pandemic, small businesses and each citizen need to continue to raise their awareness of voluntarily taking measures to prevent and control the Covid-19 pandemic in order to protect their own health and community.