Saturday,  09/21/2024

Displaying agricultural products on the e-commerce platforms: Good news

– After 3 weeks of implementing the program to develop the digital economy, up to now, the amount of agricultural products consumed through e-commerce platforms is increasing. At the same time, the program was positively responded by many people and highly appreciated for its effectiveness.

The digital economy development program in the province is divided into two phases. Accordingly, phase 1 will be implemented from July 20 to September 20, 2021 in 5 districts including Chi Lang; Huu Lung; Van Quan; Trang Dinh; Bac Son. One of the goals in this period is 50% of households in the districts having digital stores and e-payment accounts. At this time, the units focus on how to consume agricultural products through two e-commerce platforms which are Vo so (voso.vn) and Postmart (postmart.vn).

People in Huu Lung district box custard apples to transport for consumption

As one of the two support units, since its implementation, Viettel Lang Son has mobilized maximum forces to support people in districts in how to create digital accounts as well as the steps to access and log in accounts. Due to the specificity of some localities, people have limited ability to use information technology applications, the unit has set up zalo groups in order to regularly answer questions as well as support people on how to post their products for sale. In addition, when there are transactions on accounts of product sellers, the unit actively supports them to carry out transaction steps by direct telephone consultation.

In order for people to open digital accounts quickly and easily as well as to be able to access and effectively exploit e-commerce, Viettel Lang Son and the Provincial Post Office promote coordination with Party committees and authorities of communes during implementation.

For example, in Yen Vuong commune, Huu Lung district – one of the communes with a large area of ​​fruit trees, in which, mainly custard apple, Mr. Ly Truong Giang, Chairman of the Commune People’s Committee said: “From July 20 to July 20 On August 10, out of more than 700 households in the commune, nearly 100 households have successfully opened digital accounts, reaching about 30% of the target. Through communication, training and guidance activities, initially, in the commune, there are accounts selling over 300 kg of fruit per day.”

Ms. Hoang Minh Huong, a resident of Yen Vuong commune said: “Selling agricultural products through the e-commerce platforms is very easy and convenient, I just need to take a photo of the product and fill in the information about the product then post them and wait for the orders. On average, every day, I receive from 30 to 50 orders of custard apple through Vo so, the sales volume is from 300 to 400 kg/day. Not only from Hanoi, many customers from other provinces have ordered my products.”

Viettel Post employees in Dong Mo town, Chi Lang district pack agricultural products ordered through voso.vn

According to preliminary statistics of the Department of Information and Communications, as of August 11, in the districts implementing the 1st phase of the digital economic development program, there have been about 7,400 digital booths and online payment accounts; up nearly 5,000 booths compared to one week before. The output of agricultural products sole through both Vo so and Postmart reached over 2 tons/day. In which, through voso.vn, they sell about 1.5 tons/day; through postmart.vn, they sell nearly 1 ton/day. Currently, most of the agricultural products consumed through the platforms are custard apple in 2 districts of Chi Lang and Huu Lung, because this is the harvest time of custard apple.

Mr. Nguyen Trong Hung, Head of Information Technology Division, Provincial Department of Information and Communications said: “Currently, the Department of Information and Communications continues to request two units of Viettel Lang Son and Provincial Post Office to promote their support for people in opening digital accounts and instruction for use. The goal is that, by September 20, in 5 districts implementing 1st phase of the digital economic development program, there will be 50% of households having digital stores and e-payment accounts; for the remaining districts, the above target will be completed by the end of 2021. It is expected that when this program is completed, the amount of agricultural products consumed through the e-platforms can reach nearly 10 tons/day. During the implementation process, the Department of Information and Communications continues to focus on selecting individuals to effectively exploit the benefits from the e-commerce platform, thereby developing a network of “leading” accounts, creating a spreading effect to many people in the development of the digital economy in the province.

Besides the obvious benefits, in the process of implementing the program, there are still some limitations such as the shipping fee of postmart floor is still quite high; some orders are slowly delivered affecting the product’s quality. To deal with this, relevant levels and sectors have been developing plans to facilitate people using e-commerce platforms. Hopefully, in the coming time, the amount of agricultural products consumed on e-commerce platforms will be increasingly larger. Thereby, it contributes to solve the concerns about products’ output and prices for farmers