Friday,  09/20/2024

Domestic revenue: Effectiveness from close direction

– Despite many difficulties due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the close attention and direction of all levels and sectors, and especially the efforts and initiative of the tax agency, in 2021, the domestic revenue of the province has achieved important results.

In 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic is complicated, directly affecting production and business activities in the province, especially in the fields of tourism and services, causing many business households and businesses to moderate operation, even shutting down,. This leads to a decrease in revenue and revenue shortfall in some areas. Specifically, the revenue shortfall from business households in the province is about 13 billion VND; 244 businesses, business households and individuals have extended the tax payment time with an amount of more than 66.5 billion VND; tax reduction according to Resolution 105/NQ-CP dated September 9, 2021 of the Government on supporting enterprises, cooperatives and business households in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic has been 35.1 billion VND; land rent has been reduced by 10.5 billion VND…

Officers of Tax Sub-Department of Region 4 review revenues in the area

From the above figures, it can be seen that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused the tax amount to decrease and the payment time to be extended quite large. Having clearly identified such difficulties, right from the beginning of the year, the direction of budget collection has been closely managed.

Specifically, every quarter, the Provincial Budget Collection Steering Committee held a meeting to implement collection measures, orient and direct member departments, sectors and the budget collection steering committees of districts and city to carefully review revenue sources in all areas or fields; to assess the affected sectors, fields and revenues, thereby reviewing and effectively exploiting sources that can increase revenue to make up for lost revenues.

As a standing agency in budget collection, the Provincial Tax Department has quickly implemented many synchronous and appropriate solutions to overcome difficulties, improve the efficiency of revenue collection and prevent budget revenue loss. Mr. Nguyen Chien Thang, Deputy Director of the Provincial Tax Department said: “On the one hand, the tax sector still focuses on implementing tax management measures according to our functions. On the other hand, we focus on reviewing and exploiting sources that can increase revenue. Through the review, the two most obvious sources of revenue are collection of land use levy and collection of tax debt.”

In order to collect these revenues, the propaganda and support work is closely monitored by the tax agency. Specifically, in 2021, it has held 12 propaganda sessions, dialogues, and dissemination on new tax policies to taxpayers, including contents related to land use levy collection. In addition, the tax sector has promoted the application of information technology in propaganda to both support taxpayers and ensure the prevention and control of COVID-19 such as information on the mass media (805 news, articles); more than 10,500 leaflets; 1,500 messages, emails to inform about tax policy…

In addition, the budget collection steering committees of districts and city also focus on directing relevant divisions, commissions and the People’s Committees of communes and towns to strengthen close coordination in the collection of land use levy. Especially, they integrate propaganda and mobilization of land use levy debtors through meetings and activities in villages and communes; propaganda on the loudspeaker system… Consequently, the results of land use levy collection in the province have achieved positive results. In 2021, the collection of land use levy in the province is estimated at 750 billion VND, reaching 125% of the estimate assigned by the province

Along with land use levy collection, tax debt collection is also focused on implementation. Mr. Le Minh Hong, Head of Tax Debt Management and Enforcement Division, Provincial Department of Taxation, said: “The work of urging and collecting tax debts has been seriously and drastically implemented by the tax sector by taking measures such as issuing notices (more than 45,000 times), urging by phone or mass media, coordinating with a number of relevant agencies to meet a number of tax debtors… Thereby, in 2021, the total domestic tax debt revenue in the province is 515 billion VND.”

In addition to the above two revenues, with the close attention and direction of all levels and branches, the initiative and drastic action from the tax agency, the collection of a number of other revenues and taxes in the province has witnessed positive results. Typically, revenue from local state-owned enterprises reaches 116% of the estimate; collection of fees and charges reaches 152% of the estimate; the collection of mineral mining rights fees reaches 170% of the estimate… Thereby, in 2021, the total domestic revenue in the province is estimated at 3,100 billion VND, equal to 142% of the estimate assigned by the Ministry of Finance, equal to 130% of the estimate assigned by the province, up nearly 5% compared to 2020.

Despite many difficulties and challenges due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the close attention and direction of the province, the initiative and efforts of the tax agency and the close coordination of related sectors, in 2021, the results of domestic revenue collection in the province have achieved impressive results, making an important contribution to the successful completion of the province’s overall socio-economic development targets and tasks.