Friday,  09/20/2024

Promoting the role of the steering committees and heads of the government party committees in site clearance

– On February 24, the Provincial People’s Committee held a thematic meeting to evaluate the results of compensation and site clearance work for projects in the province in 2021 and implementing tasks in 2022. Mr. Ho Tien Thieu , Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee chaired the meeting. Attending were Mrs. Doan Thi Hau, Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Council; delegates in the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee; leaders of departments, sectors and leaders of districts and city.

According to the report of the Provincial People’s Committee, over the past time, with the attention of leadership and direction of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial People’s Committee has focused on directing and drastically and effectively operating the compensation and site clearance of projects in the province, making an important contribution to the implementation of socio-economic development tasks.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee delivered the closing speech

In 2021, the Provincial People’s Committee has issued 2 legal documents to adjust and amend the regulations to ensure correct and consistent with the provisions of the law. At the same time, every month, the Provincial People’s Committee organizes thematic meetings to remove difficulties and obstacles, speed up the progress of land clearance projects, strengthen dialogue, and resolve complaints from people whose land has been recovered in a timely manner…

In 2021, the whole province implemented compensation, supported and resettlement for 235 projects, of which, there are 42 transitional projects from 2020 and 193 new projects with a total of 24,792 affected households, land acquisition area reached 12,322.8 ha.

By the end of 2021, districts and city have measured, counted and approved 8,203 affected cases with an area of 533.07 hectares. People’s Committees of districts and city have approved compensation and support plans for 7,093 cases with a total approved amount of VND 704.6 billion; has handed over the site to the investors to implement the project of more than 330 hectares.

However, the rate of handing over lands to investors for construction of projects in the whole province is still low, reaching only 15% of the total area to be recovered.

At the meeting, representatives of departments, sectors, People’s Committees of districts and city  raised difficulties, lessons learned and proposed some solutions to promote site clearance of projects in 2022.

Concluding the meeting, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested the land clearance steering committees at all levels and the heads to work more actively and effectively. Districts and city must actively exchange with people whose land is recovered, publicize projects and planning; promote the role of the Fatherland Front and trade unions in propaganda; supplementing, consolidating and improving the qualifications of staff directly in charge of site clearance.

The functional departments and sectors actively advise the Provincial People’s Committee to review the mechanisms and policies on site clearance for timely adjustment. The subjects participating in the project implementation must actively arrange resettlement land and cemetery land for the People; has a resolute attitude towards cases of non-cooperation in land acquisition for project implementation…