Friday,  09/20/2024

Synchronizing solutions and activities to protect consumers’ interests

– In recent years, all levels, functional sectors and social organizations in the province have been actively implementing many practical and meaningful activities to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers

Consumer Protection Association is a voluntary social organization operating to gather and unite members to participate in protecting consumers’ interests in accordance with the law. The Consumer Protection Association of Lang Son province currently has nearly 600 members. Mr. Luong Dang Ninh, Chairman of the Provincial Consumer Protection Association said: Every year, the association organizes from 5 to 8 training conferences to improve knowledge on consumer protection legislation in the province with a number of contents. such as: legal documents on protection of consumers’ interests; knowledge of real and fake goods; how to choose goods to ensure standards and quality; Practical experience in consumer protection activities; set up mailboxes to receive feedback at markets in Lang Son city. In particular, the association closely coordinate with functional agencies, associate with associations, mass unions and businesses to promote activities to protect consumers’ interests. On average, each year, the association receives and advises and resolves completely from 5 to 10 cases of consumer complaints.

Consumers check stamps, labels and warranties of goods before buying at Winmart Lang Son Supermarket

For the Department of Industry and Trade, from 2016 to now, from March to May every year, in addition to coordinating with units to deploy annual work programs to protect consumers’ interests, the department has developed a plan and sent documents calling on organizations, businesses and individuals in the province to carry out activities to respond to Vietnamese Consumers’ Rights Day (March 15). In which, at the peak in March, the units hung banners, slogans, distributed leaflets and organized propaganda through conferences to consumers, representatives of businesses in the area; coordinate with media agencies to propagate to the people…

Responding to this year’s Vietnamese Consumers’ Rights Day, from March 10, 2022 to present, the Department of Industry and Trade has coordinated with relevant units to hang 40 banners on the main roads of Lang Son city and some main roads in the centers of districts with slogans related to Vietnamese consumers’ rights day with the theme of 2022; distributed 6,000 leaflets at markets, supermarkets, malls in the city and districts in the province…

Along with the above two units, over the past time, relevant levels and sectors in the province have also actively implemented tasks to protect the interests of consumers. Along with propaganda, the inspection and control of the market, prevention and control of counterfeit goods, and poor quality goods are also promoted by functional forces to protect the legitimate interests of consumers.

Through inspection, functional forces discovered and handled 2,375 business organizations and individuals, with violations such as: failing to list prices of goods and services at places where prices must be listed according to regulations of the law; price listing is not clear, causing confusion for customers; trading in smuggled goods, unknown origin goods… Along with that, the Market Management Agency promoted propaganda and popularization of the State’s regulations and laws on business activities to organizations and individuals in the area; at the same time, they also publicize the hotline phone number of the market management team of the district and city on the website of the provincial Market Management Department and business establishments to promptly receive feedback from the people.

Union members of the Department of Industry and Trade distribute leaflets and propagandize consumers’ rights to people at Bo Song market, Lang Son city

Thanks to the synchronous solutions in the past time, consumers in the province have more understanding of their legal rights and interests when buying and using goods and services. Mr. Hoang Van Tot, Ban Tang village, Khanh Xuan commune, Loc Binh district said: Through the propaganda of the authorities and the local government, my family and I have been more interested in considering the design, quality, labels and expiry date printed on the package, do not consume products that do not have clear origin. I also actively gave suggestions to shop owners and business establishments around where I live about the quality of goods and service, so that they can improve and better serve the people in the area.

Hopefully with practical solutions and actions, consumers in the province will be more and more wise, knowing how to protect their interests. Thereby, they contribute to encouraging the development of genuine business with products and services that well meet the needs of consumers.

March 15 every year is the Vietnam Consumers’s Rights Day, regulated by Decision No. 1035/QD-TTg dated July 10, 2015 of the Prime Minister. In the context of complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic, Vietnam Consumers’ Rights Day 2022 has the theme “Safe consumption in the new normal situation”.