Friday,  09/20/2024

Paying attention to well implement policies to creditable people

– To determine the important role of creditable people in social life, over the past time, all levels and sectors in the province have well implemented regimes and policies to creditable people.

In 2021, the province has recognized 1,696  creditable people among ethnic minorities. Mr. Ly Van Khi, Deputy Head of the Provincial Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs said “Every year, we advise the Provincial People’s Committee to make a decision to recognize creditable people, at the same time to implement Decision No. 12/2018/QD-TTg dated March 6, 2018 of the Prime Minister on criteria for selection and recognition of creditable people and policies for creditable people among ethnic minorities (replacing Decision No. 18/2011/ Decision-TTg dated March 18, 2011 of the Prime Minister on policies towards creditable people among ethnic minorities). Provincial Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs has presided over  coordinated with relevant commissions, sectors, and localities to organize the implementation in accordance with regulations; ensure adequate regimes and policies for creditable people in the province such as providing information through conferences, training courses, distributing publications, and organizing study tours. ; providing materials, spiritual encouragement; giving bonus.”

Accordingly, localities have well implemented the regime of visiting, giving gifts, providing material and spiritual support to creditable people… From 2011 to now, the whole province has 21,660 turns of giving Lunar New Year  gifts to creditable people. (ensure 100% of creditable people are given Lunar New Year gifts); more than 2,800 turns sick visits for creditable people; More than 400 families of creditable people in difficulty were supported… Thereby, encouraging creditable people to play their role in the residential community.

Typical creditable people in the work of propagating, disseminating and educating the law among ethnic minorities were praised, receive bonus in 2020

Ms. Duong Thi Thanh Thinh, Head of the Division of Labour, War Invalids, Social Affairs – Ethnicity in Bac Son district said “Currently, there are 153 creditable people in the district. We have advised the District People’s Committee to direct the communes to implement the correct process every year, select typical people, and ensure that each village has a creditable person. At the same time, organize the implementation of regimes and policies with creditable people according to regulations. From 2011 to now, the district has visited and given Lunar New Year gifts to more than 1,800 creditable people; has 41 turns of sick visits; appointed more than 400 times of creditable people to participate in training in the province… Thanks to that, the creditable people in the district promoted their roles well in various fields of social life.

In order to improve knowledge and update information on fields for creditable people, the Provincial Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs, People’s Committees of districts and city annually organize training conferences and foster socio-economic knowledge. , security, national defense; exchange visits, learning experiences; distribute books and newspapers to creditable people. From 2011 to now, more than 60 training courses have been organized for more than 7,330 creditable people; 100% of creditable people are granted publications according to regulations.

Mr. Nong Van Bien, a creditable person in Pac Khiec village, Hung Dao commune, Binh Gia district said “Every year, I participate in training classes organized by the district and the province, and receive Lang Son Newspaper , Ethnicity and Development Newspaper… Thereby, I promptly update the policies and guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State on ethnic affairs, socio-economic development policies, hunger eradication and poverty alleviation in ethnic minority and mountainous areas; news situation… Since then, the propaganda and mobilization of the people has been well carried out.”

In addition, in order to recognize the efforts of creditable people in the community, all levels and sectors maintain meeting conferences, praise and reward with typical creditable people. From 2011 up to now, the whole province has 192 times of creditable people being awarded certificates of merit at all levels. Thereby, promptly praising, honoring and encouraging people with typical and excellent credit in various fields.

In fact, thanks to the good implementation of policies towards creditable people, it has helped creditable people promote the role as a “bridge” in propagating and mobilizing people to well observed guidelines and policies, laws of the Party and State. At the same time, participate in denouncing, fighting against crimes and social evils, preserving national cultural identity, promoting local socio-economic development.

From 2011 up to now, creditable people in the province have coordinated with functional forces to solve over 31,200 cases of disputes and conflicts at the grassroots; coordinate in managing, educating and helping over 100 people who made mistakes return to their localities; mobilize the People to hand over more than 2,000 guns of all kinds and many other weapons, explosives and supporting tools; helping functional forces to investigate and clarify more than 3,300 criminal cases, arrest more than 4,400 subjects, recover assets worth over 25 billion VND…

From 2011 up to now, creditable people in the province have coordinated with functional forces to solve over 31,200 cases of disputes and conflicts at the grassroots; coordinate in managing, educating and helping over 100 people who made mistakes return to their localities; mobilize the People to hand over more than 2,000 guns of all kinds and many other weapons, explosives and supporting tools; helping functional forces to investigate and clarify more than 3,300 criminal cases, arrest more than 4,400 subjects, recover assets worth over 25 billion VND…