Friday,  09/20/2024

Building families of 5 no, 3 clean, 3 safe: Spreading good practices

– The campaign “Building families of 5 no, 3 clean, 3 safe” (the campaign) in the province is increasingly in-depth, creating the encouragement of new models and good practices. Thereby, it also affirmed the role of women, contributing to local socio-economic development.

Ms. Nong Thanh Hai, Chairwoman of the Provincial Women’s Union, said: “The campaign “Building families of 5 no, 3 clean” was launched by the Central Committee of the Vietnam Women’s Union in 2009. In 2011, the Provincial Women’s Union added the content “3 safe” and promoted the campaign “Building families of 5 no, 3 clean, 3 safe” to the Women’s Union at all levels in the province. In the period of 2016 – 2021, the campaign has been strongly promoted. In order for the campaign to be effectively implemented, the Provincial Women’s Union has directed all levels of union to promote propaganda and associate the campaign with movements and tasks of the union. At the same time, it is necessary to replicate new models, good practices in implementation such as organizing theatrical competitions, learning knowledge about the campaigns; attaching signs, praising typical families meeting 11 criteria…”

Typical families in the campaign “Building happy families” are praised and presented gifts

Consequently, the propaganda about the campaign is increasingly being renewed and organized by union at all levels, such as propaganda through club activities, exchanges, seminars, theatrical contests or the visit to typical families that meet 11 criteria of the campaign. As a result, from 2016 up to now, all levels of union have integrated propaganda about the campaign with many forms with more than 15,000 activities with more than 650,000 listeners.

Ms. Pham Thi Thuong, Chairwoman of the Women’s Union of Binh Gia district said: “We are managing more than 11,000 women members. In order to spread the campaign, since 2017, the union has renewed its propaganda and organized a contest “Building families of 5 no, 3 clean, 3 safe” in 19/19 communes and towns. Through the contests, the awareness of our members in the implementation of the campaign is increasingly raised. Up to now, the whole district has more than 5,300 households meeting 11 criteria.

Another highlight is that right from the beginning of the 2016-2021 term, grassroots unions have set targets for each of them to help at least 2 households achieve 11 criteria per year. Ms. Duong Thi Van, Chairwoman of the Women’s Union of Chien Thang commune, Bac Son district said: “Every year, we review and select households to help them meet 11 criteria. In particular, we focus on supporting economic development, building toilets, garbage disposal pits, environmental sanitation … Thanks to that, from 2016 to now, the union has helped 75 more member households to meet 11 criteria (exceed 15% of the set target). Up to now, the whole commune has 608/644 female member households meeting 11 criteria, accounting for 94%.”

In order for the campaign to spread and attract a large number of members to participate, all levels of union should pay attention to timely recognizing, praising and rewarding typical women’s families in the implementation of the campaign by handing and attaching a signboard “Family of 5 no, 3 clean, 3 safe” or organize a commendation and reward conference… Ms. Ha Thi Thanh Thao, member of the Women’s Union of Block 8, Tam Thanh ward, Lang Son city said: “In the past year, my family has actively implemented the campaign and has met 11 criteria according to registration. Thanks to the good implementation of the campaign, on June 28, 2021, my family was honored to be commended, rewarded, to share experiences in implementing the campaign, building a happy family at the conference “Praising the typical families in implementing the campaign Family of 5 no, 3 clean, 3 safe” which was jointly organized by the Provincial Women’s Union and the Women’s Union of Lang Son city. Promoting this achievement, my family will continue to strive to perform well in the coming time.”

With innovation in propaganda and replication of good practices, the campaign has really created a spreading effect in the residential community. The number and quality of families reaching 11 criteria are increasing day by day. For example, in 2020, union at all levels helped 1,740 more female member households to meet 11 criteria of the campaign, bringing the total number of households in the province to more than 62,200.

The campaign “Building families of 5 no, 3 clean, 3 safe” includes no poverty; no law violation and social evils; no domestic violence; no population policy violation; no malnourished children; clean house, clean kitchen, clean alley; traffic safety, production safety, food safety and hygiene.