Friday,  09/20/2024

The policy to support workers affected by the Covid-19 epidemic: Humane meaning, timely encouragement

– Implementing the Decision No. 2606/QD-TLD dated May 19, 2021 of Vietnam General Confederation of Labor on urgent support for its members and workers affected by the Covid – 19 pandemic in the 4th outbreak from April 27, 2021, the Provincial People’s Committee has directed and the Provincial Confederation of Labor has been actively implementing this policy to the grassroots level.

Accordingly, on May 24, 2021, the Provincial Confederation of Labor issued the Plan No. 162/KH-LDLD to implement Decision 2606/QD-TLD of the General Confederation of Labor. Thereby, in order to promptly encourage and provide material support to union members and workers to overcome current difficulties due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and union officials at all levels directly involving in the prevention and control of Covid-19.

Leaders of the Provincial Confederation of Labor presented funds to support union members and workers at the Health Center of Huu Lung district

With the motto of supporting the right beneficiaries, publicity, transparency, preventing taking advantage of the policies, as soon as the plan, the Provincial Confederation of Labor has directed the Confederation of Labor of distric, city and the union of the sector, the grassroots union under the Provincial Confederation of Labor to coordinate with the specialized agencies to review and select the beneficiaries in accordance with regulations. At the same time, they coordinate with functional agencies in the area to review those who are union members and workers outside the province who are being treated and quarantined at local medical facilities, public quarantine areas.

According to the plan, the support is implemented according to the principle that union members and workers who are entitled to different support levels according to regulations are only entitled to those with the highest level of support; pregnant workers and those raising children under 6 years old are entitled to the maximum support level; each beneficiary is supported only once.

Mr. Le Van Y, Head of the Division of Legal Policy and Labor Relations, the Provincial Confederation of Labor, said: “When considering the application, we base it on a number of specific criteria about difficult circumstances such as No income or low income due to inability to work; raising children under 6 years old; supporting their father (mother) who is over working age without pension, no income; a family member with a serious illness or illness requiring long-term treatment, affecting economic conditions…”

After more than a month of reviewing and synthesizing, unions at all levels have made a list of dossiers requesting to consider 262 cases of workers affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and the Provincial Steering Committee for Covid-19 pandemic prevention and control held a meeting to consider support for 148 cases affected by the Covid-19 pandemic with difficult circumstances. On June 28, 2021, the Standing Board of the Provincial Confederation of Labor issued Decision 782/QD-LDLD on supporting the first phase of support for 148 union members and workers affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021 (the 4th wave) with total funding of 125 million VND, extracted from the union fund of the Provincial Confederation of Labor.

Provincial Confederation of Labor provided funding for union members and workers at Provincial General Hospital

Among 148 cases of support for the first phase in 2021, there are 5 cases of F0, 87 cases of F1, 56 cases of F2, union members and workers who quitted their jobs because they are living in lockdown areas. The number of affected workers supported is concentrated in Huu Lung district and unions of sectors including: Health Postal Service, Lang Son Traffic Construction Consultant Joint Stock Company… According to the regulations, each F0 case receive the financial support of 2 million VND/person; F1case is supported with 1 million VND/person; F2 and workers who are laid off due to living in lockdown areas are supported with 500,000 VND/case.

Ms. Vi Thi Vung, Secretary of the Youth Union of Thien Tan commune, Huu Lung district shared: “During this 4th outbreak of the pandemic, I was an F2 patient due to contact with colleagues at the agency whose family members had F0 case. After 1 week of quarantine, I was tested and confirmed positive for SARS-CoV-2 and currently being treated at Huu Lung District Health Center; my husband and 2 children are also quarantined at a quarantine area in the district, my family’s life and financial status is difficult because I am the main worker. When I heard that the Provincial Confederation of Labor consider supporting my family in this phase, I was really grateful for being timely encouraged to overcome difficulties.”

According to the Provincial Confederation of Labor, as soon as the decision to support the first phase was issued, the Provincial Confederation of Labor urgently carried out procedures to transfer the funds to the District Confederation of Labor and the grassroots unions with supported union members and workers to the facility in order to directly present them to the workers.

Currently, the Covid-19 pandemic in districts and city in the province is still very complicated, as of June 29, 2021, the whole province has 109 cases of F0, 2,839 F1, 22,671 F2. The Provincial Confederation of Labor has directed the Confederation of Labor of districts, city and grassroots unions to continue reviewing cases of union members and workers in difficult circumstances due to the Covid-19 pandemic for timely support. Thereby, it helps the workers to share difficulties, gradually stabilize their lives.

During the 4th pandemic wave, the Provincial Confederation of Labor organized activities to visit and support workers with a total budget of over 200 million VND. In which, 50 million VND was supported for workers of Lang Son with difficult circumstances working in Bac Giang province; 100 million VND was supported for officials, union members and workers at the Health Center of Huu Lung district; supporting 3 inter-sectoral quarantine checkpoints and district health centers with a budget of 10 million VND/unit.