Friday,  09/20/2024

Implementing Resolution 68/NQ-CP: Actively reviewing, appraising and supporting freelance workers

– Implementing Resolution 68/NQ-CP, dated July 1, 2021 of the Government on a number of policies to support employees and employers facing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic, on July 30, 2021, the Provincial People’s Committee issued Decision No. 1517 on the policy to support freelance workers facing difficulties due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the province. Currently, districts and city are urgently reviewing and submitting to the provincial level for consideration and timely payment support for eligible freelance workers.

The fourth waves of pandemic began to break out from the end of April 2021, in order to effectively implement the pandemic prevention and control, people in some districts with COVID-19 cases in the province such as Chi Lang, Huu Lung, Van Lang, Trang Dinh … have implemented quarantine, lockdown and temporary suspension of trading activities of some non-essential products, affecting employment and income of especially freelance workers without labor contracts, working in small businesses.

Freelance workers in Chi Lang district have gain their jobs after the district controls the COVID-19 pandemic when social distancing is over (photo taken in Chien Thang commune, Chi Lang district at the beginning of August 2021)

Ms. Hoang Bich Hoi, Keo Phau village, Hoang Viet commune, Van Lang district said: “I am a waitress a pho restaurant, due to the impact of the pandemic, the pho restaurant where I worked had to temporarily close, so I have been unemployed for 32 days. I have just been instructed by the officials to apply for the support for freelance workers who have lost their jobs, which makes me feel really shared. I appreciate the timely policy of the Party, State and Lang Son province.”

Currently, on the basis of the initial review and specific regulation, districts and city are urgently reviewing and submitting to the province for support appraisal for freelance workers affected by the pandemic. As of August 12, 2021, the Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (DOLISA) has received a report and list of requests for support for freelance workers affected by the pandemic from two districts of Van Lang and Chi Lang.

Mr. Nong Van Tai, Head of Division of Labour, Invalids, Social Affairs – Ethnic Minorities in Chi Lang district said: “Based on Resolution 68 of the Prime Minister, Decision 1517 of the Provincial People’s Committee, Instruction No. 1196/HD-SLDTBXH dated July 30, 2021 of the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs on the order to review and make a list to support employees without labor contracts who face difficulties due to the impact of the pandemic in the province, Chi Lang district has quickly reviewed those affected by the pandemic in the district, initially, the application for support mainly belong to hairdressers and hair washers. Through the review, we have made a list with applications of 35 freelance workers and asked the District People’s Committee to submit to the provincial level for consideration, appraisal and decision to approve the support.”

Ms. Dao Thi Tam, Na Sen village, Mai Sao commune, Chi Lang district said: “Due to social distancing in the area, my hairdressing shop has been temporarily closed for 74 days, my life is greatly affected because there are no income. Many other employees and I hope the province will consider and provide timely support and solve difficulties for us.”

With the principle of providing timely support, for the people in need, with publicity and transparency, without duplication, without take advantaging from policies, as soon as receiving the lists and reports from districts, the appraisal team for consideration and approval of the province including a number of related departments, sectors and mass organizations such as DOLISA, Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, Provincial Labor Confederation … have actively and urgently reviewed, appraised and submitted to the provincial level for approving the first phase of support for freelance workers. Accordingly, on August 12, 2021, the Provincial People’s Committee issued Decision 1603/QD-UBND approving the list of financial support for freelance workers in the area affected by the pandemic with the total number of 47 employees being support in the 1st phase 1 with the total funding of 70.5 million. In which, Van Lang district has 13 supported workers, Chi Lang district has 34 supported workers.

Currently, the development of the COVID-19 pandemic is still very complicated, districts and city have been continuing to review and make a list of eligible affected workers to submit to the Provincial People’s Committee for consideration and support in the next phases. In particular, Huu Lung district has been the most affected unit in the province recently due to many COVID-19 cases and social distancing and lockdown. According to the statistics of the District Division of Labour, Invalids and Social – Ethnic Minority Affairs, through the initial review, the district has made over 400 applications for affected freelance workers to submit to the District People’s Committee for support in the 2nd phase from Provincial People’s Committee.

It can be seen that, along with other policies in the group of 12 policies under Resolution 68, Lang Son province has been very active in researching policies to support freelance workers under the provincial budget. This initiative has contributed to promptly sharing difficulties with businesses and employees in the area, especially the number of freelance workers without labor contract, gradually stabilizing their lives, encouraging them to comply with pandemic prevention and control measures.

“According to the data of our division, as of the afternoon of August 12, 2021, the provincial level has approved the financial support for workers with a total budget of over 3.6 billion VND. In which, 472 workers with suspended work received 636 million VND; 28 unemployed workers from 15 days to less than 30 days, 129 those who have been unemployed for 30 days or longer received 570.53 million VND; 687 business households received over 2 billion VND; 222 adults and children were quarantined due to the pandemic received over 198 million VND; 24 tour guides received over 89 million VND.

Ms. Hoang Thi Hai, Head of Divion of Labor, Employment – Social Insurance, Provincial Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs