Friday,  09/20/2024

Standing firmly on the front line against “fire enemies”

– Over 60 years of building, fighting, and growing up together with the national Fire prevention, Fighting, and Rescue police force. The Fire Prevention, Fighting, and Rescue police force of  Lang Son Province’s Public Security have always strived to perfectly complete all assigned tasks, affirming the leading role on the front line against “fire enemies”.

On October 4, 1961, President Ho Chi Minh signed Decree No. 53/LCT announcing the “Ordinance regulating the State’s management of fire prevention and fighting work”. This is an important historical milestone marking the birth of the Fire Prevention, Fighting police force, later known as The Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue police force. In Lang Son, with this same milestone, formerly known as the Fire Prevention and Fighting Team, with only 8 officers and soldiers, The Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue police force of the Provincial Public Security has gradually strengthened their forces, matured in professional skills, and met assigned political tasks…

Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue Police Department, Provincial Public Security jointly organize fire drills at Na Duong Thermal Power Company, Loc Binh district

Senior Colonel Hoang Hung Hai, Head of the Police Department of Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue, Provincial Public Security said: “Promoting the tradition of the force, over the years, the unit has always focused on improving the quality of propaganda and professional training for officers in the unit, the grassroots Fire Prevention, Fighting, and Rescue team, promoting the movement of “All people participating in fire prevention and fighting”. At the same time, proactively grasping and forecasting the situation, well-performing the consulting work with the Party Committee, leaders of the Provincial Public Security to direct and deploy all aspects of fire prevention, fighting and rescue work in the area…

As a result, from 2016 up to now, the department has actively proposed to the Party Committee and leaders of the Provincial Public Security to advise the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial People’s Committee to issue many guiding documents on fire prevention, fighting and rescue work; directly advised the Provincial Police to issue nearly 140 documents directing the implementation of fire prevention, fighting and rescue work, advising and promulgating nearly 2,600 documents to effectively implement all aspects of work according to assigned functions and tasks. At the same time, in the past 5 years, the department has coordinated to organize more than 180 sessions of propagating the law and knowledge on fire prevention and fighting for 21,000 officials, public servants, employees, students, and the people; coordinated with establishments to organize more than 460 training courses on fire prevention and fighting, with over 22,600 participants; built more than 280 plans and practiced nearly 900 times of fire fighting and rescue plans, fire drills, etc. Thanks to that, 100% of staff met the training requirements, and all the participants handled the fire situation well.

Typically, at 17:11, on December 15, 2020, the department received news that a fire had occurred in the warehouse of agricultural products (black grass jelly and coin-leaf plant) of business household Nguyen Ha Vinh in Phieng Luong village, Dai Dong commune, Trang Dinh district, The Police Department of Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue, Provincial Public Security immediately dispatched 3 fire engines, 2 hand pumps and 14 civil servants to the scene of the fire. After more than 20 hours of fire fighting, the fire was completely extinguished, protecting many properties such as about 200 tons of black grass jelly and coin-leaf plant, more than 1,000 m² of warehouse did not collapse, especially there is no human injury…

According to statistics from the Police Department of Fire Prevention and Fighting and Rescue, Provincial Public Security, from 2016 to now, the unit has sent 1,097 vehicles and 2,709 times of civil servants to fight hundreds of fires, fire and explosion incidents, and practice fire drills in the area. In the face of each fire, the civil servants are not afraid of hardships and dangers, ready to rush into the “sea of fire”, to put out the fire as quickly as possible, without letting it spread to a large area. There, the civil servants always determine the noble and important task of saving victims, saving property, and minimizing damage as much as possible.

Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue Police force, Provincial Public Security organizes fire fighting at Tan Thanh market area, Van Lang district

Major Chu Duc Kien, Deputy Captain of the Firefighting and Rescue Team, Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue Department, Provincial Public Security said: “The civil servants in the unit have firmly established ideological stances, clearly identifying pressures and responsibilities, but also full of glory on the front line against “fire enemies”. The whole unit always adheres to discipline, gets along in a collective environment, eats together, stays together, stays on duty, trains together, and fights together in each shift. During the shift, each civil servant raised a high sense of concentration, was ready to take on tasks when required, and organized timely and effective fire fighting. From 2016 to now, I have participated in fire fighting and rescue for nearly 30 cases”.

The feats that the civil servants of the Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue Police Department of the Provincial Public Security have contributed to protecting the people’s lives, property, and peaceful life. Ms. Lang Thi Ngo, residing in Quang Lac commune, Lang Son city, recalls: “In January 2021, due to subjective reasons when cleaning and burning grass in my family’s field, I unintentionally let the fire spread to the next pine forest. After that, I and many people worked together to put out the fire, and at the same time informed the Fire & Rescue Police force to come and fight the fire. After more than 1 hour, the fire was completely extinguished, I don’t know what to say, thank the force very much…”

With the tradition of the Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue Police force in 60 years of fighting and growing up, in the coming time, the Fire Prevention,  Fighting and Rescue Police force of the Provincial Public Security and other agencies, departments, organizations, individuals, businesses and People in the province continue to promote the achieved results, overcome difficulties, strive to emulate effectively the implementation of fire prevention and fighting, curb the increase in the number of fires, explosions, and damage caused by fire, ensuring political security, social order, and safety, contributing to the successful implementation of socio-economic development goals, making Lang Son province a rich and beautiful land.

With these achievements, over the years, the Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue Police Department of the Provincial Public Security have contributed to curbing the increase and complicated developments of the fire and explosion situation in the area; preventing large, especially serious fires, to reduce loss of life and property caused by fires. With unremitting efforts and striving, over the years, the unit has been awarded certificates of merit by all levels and sectors. In which, in the last 5 years, the unit has been awarded 2 certificates of merit from the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, 3 certificates of merit from the Fire Prevention, Fighting and Rescue Police Department, the Ministry of Public Security, and 2 certificates of merit from the Director of the Provincial Public Security.