Friday,  09/20/2024

Reviewing the draft report clarifying the implementation of Bac Giang – Lang Son expressway project at the Huu Nghi – Chi Lang section

– On October 5, Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee chaired a meeting to review the draft report on the clarification at the request of the Interdisciplinary Appraisal Council of the Prime Minister on adjusting investment policy in the second component project (Huu Nghi – Chi Lang section) of Bac Giang – Lang Son expressway project. Attending the meeting were representatives of relevant departments and sectors and representatives of Bac Giang – Lang Son – Huu Nghi BOT Joint Stock Company.

At the meeting, the Provincial People’s Committee focused on discussing and agreeing on the issues that the Interdisciplinary Appraisal Council of the Prime Minister proposed to clarify which were the adjustment of the investment policy in the second component project when the project was contributed by the State budget, including legal procedures, investment authority; investment form; project scale according to planning; evaluation of investment efficiency; chance for capita recovery; financial capacity of investors; land clearance plan, forest land conversion…

Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee addresses the meeting

Accordingly, the Provincial People’s Committee proposed to adjust the second component project in the direction of adjusting the scale. Particularly, in the first phase, in the period 2021 – 2025, the ground of six lanes would be cleared, the construction of a 17 m roadbed, road surface 16 m wide (4 lanes) and 43 km long. Particularly, the sections of deep excavation, high embankment, reinforcement of roof slopes, treatment of soft soil foundation would be invested with a scale of 6 lanes with 32 m wide roadbed. The second phase (phase of completion) would be implemented after 2025 consisting of the investment in completing 6 lanes of Huu Nghi – Chi Lang expressway and completing traffic infrastructure connecting to Tan Thanh Border Gate and Coc Nam Border Gate which was 19 km long.

The estimated total investment of adjustment is more than 14 thousand billion VND, in the first phase, the total investment in Huu Nghi – Chi Lang section is 6,648 billion VND; the second phase is 7,418 billion VND.

The capital structure and financial plan for the implementation of the first phase project include expected state budget capital of 3,300 billion VND and mobilized capital from investors of 3,348 billion VND. The capital structure for the second phase after the first phase is put into operation, the Provincial People’s Committee and the investor will study and propose to the competent authorities to approve the appropriate implementation of the investment process project as planned.

Concluding at the meeting, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee acknowledged the efforts of the departments, sectors and Bac Giang – Lang Son – Huu Nghi BOT Joint Stock Company in advising the province to draft the explanatory report. It is essential to adjust the project investment policy to match the planning on highway development approved by the Prime Minister. In terms of design speed, it is agreed to adjustment of the speed of 100 km/h and investment in the road surface in the first phase according to the plan of eccentricity; regarding the mechanism for handling the State’s capital participating in the project implementation, the Department of Planning and Investment is assigned to study and advise the Provincial People’s Committee for consideration and decision; the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Department of Natural Resources and Environment are to supplement the dossier of land use purpose conversion for forest land and rice land to the explanatory report…

Departments and sectors shall coordinate with investors to complete the explanatory report and send it to the Provincial People’s Committee for consideration and submission to the Interdisciplinary Appraisal Council of the Prime Minister as required.