Friday,  09/20/2024

Van Lang needs to avoid cross-contamination occurs in quarantine and lockdown areas

– On August 31, the provincial delegation led by Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Provincial Steering Committee for COVID-19 Prevention and Control (Steering Committee) inspected the prevention and control of COVID-19 in Van Lang district.

Participating in the delegation were Mrs. Doan Thi Hau, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Council and the leaders of the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, Department of Health and related units.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee speaks at the inspection

According to the report of Van Lang District People’s Committee at the inspection, from July 27, 2021 to 8:00 am on August 31, 2021, the district recorded 74 cases of COVID-19. Of which, 23 cases have been cured, 15 cases have been sent to the Central Hospital for Tropical Diseases for treatment. Currently, 36 F0 cases are being treated at Van Lang District Health Center with stable physical and mental health.

Facing complicated pandemic development, from 12:00 on August 25, 2021, Van Lang district implemented social distancing according to Directive No.16 of the Prime Minister. After nearly 7 days of implementation, the people’s life has become stabilized, everyone well has complied with the regulations on pandemic prevention and control.

Speaking at the meeting, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee considered that Van Lang district had been proactive, calm and drastic in pandemic prevention and control with the motto “one step earlier, one level higher”. The implementation of social distancing throughout the district has been on the right track in isolating F0, zoning outbreaks and avoiding the spread of the disease in the community.

The delegation inspects the pandemic prevention and control at the parking area of trucks waiting to export goods for long-distance drivers at the non-tariff zone, Tan My commune

He also emphasized: “When the pandemic development in the district continues to be complicated, the district needs to pay considerable attention and continue to take drastic and serious measures in pandemic prevention. In particular, the district must ensure that there is no cross-contamination in public quarantine areas and accommodation of specialized drivers and long-distance drivers. Large-scale testing every 3 days in Na Sam town and Tan Thanh commune will continue to be carried out in 14 days from the beginning of the implementation. On September 2, 2021, Van Lang district put into operation the public quarantine area of ​​F1 cases at DRAGON – Northern Vietnam Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd in Tan My commune to promptly return current quarantine facilities borrowed from schools to prepare for their new school year.”

The Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee asked Van Lang district to continue to take care of people’s lives during the implementation of social distancing, creating conditions for people to develop production and consumption of agricultural products in the harvest season in the district. The functional forces should strengthen coordination, promote information technology application in pandemic prevention and control; seriously handle cases of violations of regulations on pandemic prevention and control.

The delegation visits, encourages and presents gifts to the forces on duty at the medical quarantine checkpoint on National Highway 4A, Na Can village, Bac Hung commune

Within the schedule, the delegation inspected the pandemic prevention and control in a number of locations in Tan My and Tan Thanh communes.

The delegation also inspected, visited and presented gifts to the forces performing their duties at 2 inter-sectoral health quarantine checkpoints in the district; inspected pandemic prevention and control at the gathering place of trucks waiting to export goods through Huu Nghi International Border Gate at the site of the Goods Transshipment Area Project, in the area of ​​​​ Thuy Hung, Phu Xa communes, Cao Loc district.