Friday,  09/20/2024

White-shirted “soldiers”: Wherever there is “enemy”, we will go there to fight against it.

– In the efforts of the whole political system, we cannot fail to mention the best efforts of the medical staff, white-shirted “soldiers” who are always determined to complete their tasks well to win the COVID-19 “enemy”.

In the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, doctors and nurses are always the frontline force ready to rush to epidemic hotspots. Lang Son health sector has more than 4,000 officials, public employees and workers, more than two-thirds of whom are directly involved in the epidemic prevention and control.

Mr. Nguyen The Toan, Director of Department of Health, said that health workers in the past time have been really “soldiers” on the anti-epidemic front, they are the ones who are at the forefront of fighting in epidemic hotspots. Despite facing many dangers, difficulties and hardships, white-shirted soldiers have always tried their best from tracing work, taking samples for testing, with the mind of taking care of the people’s health and safety.

Those successes are due to the best efforts and silent sacrifices of the medical staff, who have worked at full capacity, regardless of day and night, temporarily putting family, friends and relatives behind to successfully complete the assigned task. For us who are living in a happy environment, without epidemics, few can feel all the difficulties and hardships of health workers participating in epidemic prevention and control. Under the hot weather, erratic sunshine and rain, doctors and nurses always have to wear protective suits to work for many hours, many medical staff are exhausted and collapsed from fatigue but they make no complaints because for them, fighting the epidemic is like fighting the enemy, having to win the epidemic to bring a peaceful life to the people.

The official of the Provincial Center for Disease Prevention and Control took samples for testing from people returning from epidemic areas

Carrying on themselves the responsibility of taking care of and protecting the people’s health, white-shirted “soldiers” are not afraid of entering the epidemic center to support their colleagues in epidemic prevention and control. In June 2021, facing the complicated developments of the epidemic situation in Huu Lung district, more than 100 health workers in districts and the city in the area volunteered to support tracing and taking samples for testing and treating COVID-19 patients. Thereby, it contributed to successfully controlling the epidemic in Huu Lung district, bringing people’s life back to normal.

Notably, at present, the epidemic situation in Van Lang district is complicated, the health sector has promptly further sent 55 medical staff and workers to support the epidemic prevention and control in Van Lang district. In the coming time, depending on the actual situation at grassroots, the health sector will continue to increase human resources to support epidemic control work to quickly extinguish the epidemic, so that the disease will not be at risk of spreading in the community.

Not only supporting the epidemic prevention and control in the province, the province’s white-shirted “soldiers” are also ready to go to support other provinces in the epidemic prevention and control. Specifically, on July 26, 2021, a delegation of Lang Son Department of Health, consisting of 32 officials and doctors, volunteered to go to support Ho Chi Minh City in the fight against COVID-19. They have volunteered to bring their youth and enthusiasm to “hotspots” with the spirit that they will return home after winning the epidemic.

Reportedly, Lang Son’s delegation has performed the task of treating COVID-19 patients at the Field Hospital No. 06, Ho Chi Minh City. Initially, the staff of the delegation was assigned to work together with the medical staff from other provinces, after getting acquainted with the work, they have been assigned to establish a separate treatment team to take care of and manage more than 100 COVID-19 patients.

Sharing about the performance of tasks in Ho Chi Minh City, Doctor Dang Huy Du, Deputy Director of the Provincial General Hospital, Head of the Lang Son delegation participating in supporting Ho Chi Minh City said that the work is really hard, arduous and dangerous, but he and the members of the delegation always make efforts, keep an optimistic spirit to well complete the assigned tasks and protect themselves from infection. It has been almost a month of performing the task, the health and spirit of the staff in the delegation is still stable, the staff in the delegation has not been infected when participating in the task.

In the work of the epidemic prevention and control, the most dangerous thing for health workers is infection despite fully implementing epidemic prevention and control measures. According to the statistics of Department of Health, from the beginning of 2021 until now, when participating in epidemic prevention and control, there have been 16 health workers infected with COVID-19 but their spirit and responsibility is not decreased regardless of that danger.

Doctor Duong Anh Dung, Head of Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control Department, the Provincial Center for Disease Prevention and Control, shared that “Everyone also chooses light work, so who will the hard work be for?”, the fight against the epidemic is still long, but with the spirit of the people’s safety and health, his colleagues and he will always do their best to quickly stabilize the epidemic situation.

Not only Mr. Du, Mr. Dung but also thousands of medical staff who are fighting day and night against the “enemy”, they have temporarily put aside their personal feelings about family, friends and relatives to fight on the front lines. White-shirted “soldiers” always keep in mind “When the epidemic is over, we will return home…”. It not only comes from the heart, medical ethics of the doctor, above all, the spirit of comradeship and compatriotism in the arduous and challenging fight against the “enemy”.

The fight against the epidemic is still ahead, but each health worker in Lang Son is and will make every effort to join the political system in fighting the enemy with the noble goal of bringing joy, happiness and peace for the People.