Friday,  09/20/2024

Evaluating the results of implementing the campaign “Vietnamese people give priority to using Vietnamese goods”

(LSO) – On January 11, the Provincial Steering Committee of the Campaign “Vietnamese people give priority to using Vietnamese goods” held a meeting to evaluate the results of implementing the campaign in 2020 and show directions and tasks in 2021. Mr. Nong Luong Chan, Chairman of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee, Head of the Steering Committee chaired the meeting.

In 2020, the Steering Committee of the Campaign coordinated with authorities, Fatherland Front and member organizations to issue documents to guide agencies and units in its system to accelerate the implementation and concretization of campaign contents associated with major measures to curb inflation, stabilize the macro-economy and ensure social security in the area.

Mr. Nong Luong Chan, Chairman of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee spoke at the meeting

In particular, Department of Industry and Trade coordinated with relevant departments, agencies and functional units to confirm the registration of organizing three exhibition fairs in the province, with the participation of 450 enterprises, over 680 booths with 90% of Vietnamese products, sales of over 11 billion VND; coordinated to successfully organize four fairs of Vietnamese goods to rural areas, combined with trade fairs and so on.

The Provincial Tax Department, the Provincial Radio – Television Station, Lang Son Newspaper coordinated to publish and broadcast 450 propaganda news and articles, reflecting on the campaign and fight against smuggling and commercial fraud and so forth.

Thereby, it contributes to creating a strong change in awareness and action of officials, party members and people of all classes in giving priority to buying domestic goods.

At the meeting, members of the Steering Committee discussed many contents to better implement the campaign in 2021 and the following years.

The representative of the Market Management Department raised  opinions and discussed at the meeting

Concluding at the meeting, the Head of the Steering Committee noted that members of the Steering Committee need to promote their role and uphold their sense of responsibility and better coordinate in the implementation of campaign contents, serving the province’s dual goals “both the Covid-19 prevention and control and the socio-economic development”; increasing promotion, stimulating demand for domestically produced products; encouraging enterprises to focus on improving the quality of products. At the same time, functional forces need to strictly control and handle acts of smuggling, commercial fraud, counterfeit goods, fake goods and so on.