Friday,  09/20/2024

Building a model of “friendly government”: synchronously implementing, making drastic changes

In order to concretize the Party’s guidelines and policies on mass mobilization work of State agencies, in recent years, Party committees and authorities at all levels in the province have focused on effectively implementing the government’s mass mobilization work. One of the highlights is the implementation of building and replicating the grassroots “Friendly Government” model.

People in Cao Loc district can handle administrative procedures at the “one-stop shop” division

Implementing synchronously and seriously

Mrs. Giap Thi Bac, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial Committee for Mass Mobilization, said: In order to implement Project No. 01-DA/BDVTU-UBND dated April 24, 2019 of the Provincial People’s Committee and the Provincial People’s Committee on building a grassroots public administration point model in Lang Son province, the Party committees at all levels have established steering committees, developed plans with specific solutions. In which they focused on a number of contents such as improving the quality of cadres and equipping facilities to serve the People; speeding up the reform of administrative procedures; promoting the people’s right to mastery in government building.

Accordingly, Party committees and authorities at all levels actively promote propaganda about the purpose and meaning of model building through conferences, village meetings, activities of party cell and union at grassroots level… In 2022, the whole province made 1,221 propaganda calls to cadres, party members and the people. At the same time, a number of units actively cooperated with Lang Son Newspaper, Provincial Radio and Television Stations to report and introduce the model with many categories and articles… thereby, these units helped people to better understand the model as well as grasp their rights and obligations.

Along with the supported funding, a number of units such as Huu Lung, Bac Son, Binh Gia … have actively balanced the budget to equip facilities such as tables and chairs, fans, table systems … to ensure the best service to the people.

Van Quan district is one of the units that do this job well. Mr. Nong Manh Cuong, Head of the District Committee for Mass Mobilization, Chairman of the District Fatherland Front Committee said: Each year the District Steering Committee selects a number of commune units to build the model. In addition to district funding, commune units also actively balance funding. As in 2022, the self-balanced funding source to build the model in 4 communes is 108 million VND.

In addition, in order to promptly evaluate the implementation and implementation of the contents in the construction of the “Friendly Government” model, the Provincial Steering Committee organized the inspection which included thematic examination and the integrated examination. As in 2022, the Provincial Steering Committee has carried out thematic and integrated inspection at the following units: Huu Lung, Chi Lang, Cao Loc, Loc Binh, Bac Son, Trang Dinh with 10 base units. Through this, the limitations were promptly pointed out, and directions for implementation in the future were set out.

With close and drastic direction, close inspection and supervision, Party committees and authorities at all levels in the area quickly implemented the model, created changes in working style, service attitude, towards people’s satisfaction.

Officers of the Justice Division of Huu Lung district handed out marriage certificates to people

Positive changes from the grassroots

In 2019, when starting to implement the model, each district unit chose to pilot it at a commune-level unit. After 4 years of implementation, up to now, 166/200 communes, wards and towns have been building models. In which, units: Van Lang, Loc Binh, Trang Dinh, Lang Son City, Huu Lung and Chi Lang have simultaneously implemented 100% of all commune-level units.

In the communes implemented the “Friendly Government” model, the obvious change is that the facilities, especially the reception room and the administrative procedure settlement room, are newly built, expanded, spacious and more complete than before. Also at the “one-stop shop”, signs with the slogan “5 know, 4 always, 3 show” are prominently hung on the walls.

In fact, in the communes implemented the model of Friendly Government, the tables are not just display slogans, commune officials and civil servants have shown them in their work practice, in communication, in behavior and wholeheartedly and devotedly serving the people.

Mr. Hoang Van Ty, a resident of Ba Nang village, Cai Kinh commune, Huu Lung district said: Last year, before going to the commune to carry out the procedures for importing my son’s household registration, I contacted the official of the “one-stop shop” division in advance to ask about the documents to prepare. When coming to the commune to solve the problem, the officials gave guidance and guide me carefully. The office is spacious, has a camera, has wifi, compared to previous years, it is much more modern and convenient.

In fact, currently, at 166 units implementing the Friendly Governance model, there are positive changes, cadres and civil servants enthusiastically support and guide people, the handling of administrative procedures ensures the correct process, fast and short. In 2022, the units implemented the model have received and basically solved more than 376,000 administrative procedures on time and correctly; the letter settlement rate reached 93.9%. At the same time, the satisfaction rate of the people about handling administrative procedures and the attitude of civil servants in the communes is 97.6% on average.

Also in the task of building the model, the heads of the Party committees and authorities are increasingly concerned and close to the people. At many units, the heads of the Party committees and authorities were directly present to congratulate and give flowers to couples who came to register for marriage; visited, gave gifts to families with new members or offered condolences to families received sad news. At the same time, units sent thank-you letter to families who have contributed ideas to the building of the government or supported the government to organize movements and activities in the area.

From the positive changes in the implementation of the model, in the coming time, the Party committees and authorities at all levels will continue to pay attention to the replication in the remaining units. At the same time, they also strengthen inspection, supervision and evaluation of the implementation of the model at the units, contribute to improving the quality of the model, all towards the goal of ensuring people’s satisfaction.