Friday,  09/20/2024

Improving the quality of new rural area communes: Overcoming difficulties, achieving goals

– Overcoming many difficulties due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, lack of investment resources, in 2021, the consolidation and improvement of the quality of criteria in new-style rural area communes, typically the construction of advanced new-style rural area communes, new role-model rural area residential areas and sample gardens in the province have achieved positive results.

Difficulties and challenges

Defining meeting standards does not mean stopping, in recent years, after being recognized as meeting new-style rural area standards, new-style rural area communes in the province continue to embark on building advanced rural communes and role-model residential areas, sample garden. According to the plan to build new-style rural areas in 2021, the whole province strives to have 5 more communes meet advanced rural standards, including: Dinh Lap commune, Dinh Lap district; Bang Mac commune, Chi Lang district; Tan Van commune, Binh Gia district; Hoang Van Thu commune, Van Lang district and Huu Khanh commune, Loc Binh district. In addition, each district and city strives to recognize 2 or 3 role-model new rural residential areas; build and recognize at least 1 sample garden.

However, in 2021, the implementation of the construction of new-style rural areas in general, including the construction of advanced rural communities, role-model rural residential areas and sample gardens in the province, has faced many difficulties.

People in Dinh Lap commune, Dinh Lap district join hands to build rural roads

The first difficulty to mention is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the impact of the pandemic, some places in the province have had to implement social distancing, thereby making it difficult for propaganda and centralized training. Not only that, the impact of the pandemic has reduced the income of many households, thereby directly affecting the implementation of criteria such as income, health as well as a number of criteria requiring the contributions from the people.

In addition to difficulties caused by the pandemic, in 2021, the allocation of resources to implement the new-style rural area construction program from the central government is slow, and the quantity is small, making construction investment slow. Due to the lack of capital, some projects could not start construction until October 2021.

From such difficulties, leading to the construction of advanced new-style rural communes, role-model rural residential areas, and sample gardens in the province face many challenges and difficulties in achieving the goal. Faced with that fact, from the province to the grassroots, many synchronous and drastic solutions have been implemented to overcome difficulties and gradually realize the goals.

Determined to overcome difficulties

In order to overcome difficulties in investment capital, right from the beginning of the year, districts and communes have focused on propagandizing and mobilizing people to implement the following criteria: traffic, cultural facilities, environment, etc. Specifically, in 2021, relevant levels and sectors have organized propaganda on building advanced new-style rural commune, role-model rural residential areas, and sample gardens to 100% of communes that have met new-style rural areas standards from 2020 or earlier (by the end of 2020). The province has 65 communes recognized as meeting new-style rural area standards).

In addition to propaganda through face-to-face conferences at the facility, to ensure the prevention and control of COVID-19 pandemic, propaganda is also organized in many other forms such as: propaganda through the loudspeaker system in 100% of rural communes; propaganda through social networks; distributing propaganda and guiding materials to each commune, village and residential area; Propaganda through the mass media with more than 400 news, articles, photos…

Through propaganda and mobilization, people understand and overcome difficulties, actively join hands to contribute to the implementation of the criteria. Mr. Dang Van Chien, Kim Quan village, Dinh Lap commune said: “From the propaganda and mobilization of the commune, in 2021, the family donated more than 350 m2 of farmland to expand the sports field, cultural house and road to the culture house. Having the premises, the work was quickly implemented, thereby not only helping the commune fulfill the criteria of a cultural house and sports area, but also facilitating the activities and meetings of the people in the village.”

Along with Mr. Chien’s family, in 2021, people in Dinh Lap commune have contributed more than 10,000 man days, donated about 13,000 m2 of land, and contributed nearly 200 million VND to join hands to implement traffic criteria, cultural house, village sports area. Thereby, by October 2021, the commune has basically completed 14/14 advanced new-style rural commune criteria.

Similar to Dinh Lap commune, people in the key communes strive to build advanced new-style rural areas, role-model rural residential area in 2021 in the province also actively join hands and contribute to the implementation of the criteria. Specifically, the people of these communes donated about 15,000 m2 of land; contributed more than 40,000 man days; more than 2 billion VND to join hands to implement the criteria of traffic, cultural house, sports area, environment…

In addition to the efforts of the people, in 2021, the province allocated more than 7.5 billion VND to support the construction of advanced new-style rural communes, role-model rural residential areas and sample gardens.

From the cooperation and contribution of the People and the investment and support of the State’s resources, the implementation of the construction of advanced new-style rural communes and role-model rural residential areas in the province has achieved positive results. Specifically, it is estimated that by the end of 2021, there will be 5 more communes in the province meeting advanced new-style rural standards; recognized 30 more role-model rural residential areas, 30 sample gardens.

The successful construction of advanced new-style rural communes, role-model rural residential areas, and sample gardens in 2021 shows the determination of all levels and sectors and the solidarity and consensus of the People. Since then, the rural appearance in the new-style rural communes has been constantly renewed.\