Friday,  09/20/2024

Educational innovation from information technology application

– In recent years, the Department of Education and Training (DOET) has promoted the application of information technology (IT) to teaching and learning at schools to encourage them to catch up with the trend of digital transformation and to take advantage of effective learning tool channels to develop education.

In order to catch up with the trend and take advantage of IT in management, teaching and learning, over the past time, the DOET has paid attention to invest and encourage investment in facilities and equipment for the purpose of IT application in teaching and learning. Accordingly, most schools at all levels in the province have been relatively equipped with IT for teaching and learning. According to the report, from 2016 to now, the provincial education sector has equipped 159 computer rooms and added 298 computers to schools with 4,564 computers for professional work; 100% of schools in the province have Internet connection…

Computer practice time at Cao Loc High School (Photo taken before April 27, 2021)

Mr. Nguyen Truong Giang, Director of the Provincial Center for Regular Education 1 said: “With the provided IT infrastructure, the center is equipped with software and applications for management and teaching; 100% of teachers and staff are equipped with accounts and trained to proficiently use utilities in Office 365 application; the school has also implemented online learning programs, asking teachers and students to build, collect and exploit useful open educational resources (books, newspapers, e-lectures…), popularized, introduced these resources on our web portal…”

Along with the addition of equipment, the Department of Education and Training has organized software training courses to support teaching subjects for key staff and teachers (currently 100% of schools from preschool to high school have deployed the school system connecting http://truongtructuyen.edu.vn); regularly fostering IT application skills for teachers and educational administrators (with about 30 people per school year). Since then, teachers have actively applied IT to design visual lessons, to search and select online documents to serve their teaching; updating E-learning lectures, speaking exams of foreign languages…; strengthened the application of the software “Connected School” for professional activities, sharing and learning among units.

Mr. Dinh Van Phuc, teacher of Tan Tien Secondary School, Trang Dinh district said: “For an English teacher, through the application of IT, the search and update of new programs, lectures and teaching methods become more convenient. In each lecture, I combine the use of projectors and Powerpoint presentation, making the lesson more lively, helping students to be more interested in learning and absorbing knowledge.

Teacher of Hoang Van Thu Secondary School, Binh Gia district checks the projector system for teaching

By promoting the application of IT, in recent years, the province’s education and training sector has successfully completed the task of the school year. This can be seen as clearly as in the last school year 2020-2021. Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the second semester of the school year, many schools had to close. With the spirit of “leaving school but not stopping learning”, schools in the province have actively applied IT (both equipment and management, teaching software such as Zoom, …) in online teaching and learning. Specifically, by the end of the school year, the number of hours connected via http://truongtructuyen.edu.vn was 225 hours (58 hours at the high school level with 155 schools and 3,382 students; 167 hours at the junior high school level with 205 schools, 12,576 students)… At the end of the 2020-2021 school year, the number of students ranked as completing or above in Vietnamese is 98.72% (up 6.4% compared with the previous school year), that in Math reaches 99.1% (the same as the previous school year); At secondary level, the percentage of students achieving good and excellent grades is 66.8 (up 1.5% compared to the previous school year); At the high school level, the percentage of students achieving good and excellent results was maintained at nearly 68% compared to the previous school year. In particular, in the national high school graduation exam, the province’s high school graduation rate in 2021 reached 97.8% (up 0.71% compared to 2020).

Ms. Duong Thi Thu Lan, Deputy Head of the Division of Regular Education – Professional Education, Department of Education and Training, said: “Promoting the achieved results, in the school year 2021 – 2022, the division continues to advise the department’s leaders to request and encourage  schools to promote IT application in management and teaching; to strive to guide 100% of educational institutions at secondary, high school, and regular education levels to implement information management on IT platforms (electronic records instead of paper records)…