Friday,  09/20/2024

Easing of essential services while ensuring the prevention of Covid-19 pandemic

– On the afternoon of June 22, the Provincial People’s Committee held a 3-level online meeting to assess the situation and propose measures to prevent and control the Covid-19 pandemic in the province in the near future.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Standing Deputy Head of the Provincial Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control (Steering Committee) attended and chaired the meeting.

Attending the meeting were also Mrs. Doan Thu Ha, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Committee; Members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee; Members of the Provincial Steering Committee.

The meeting is connected to the People’s Committees of districts, city and People’s Committees of communes and towns in the area.

According to the report of the Steering Committee, from May 6, 2021 to June 21, 2021, the whole province recorded 104 F0 cases, 2,800 F1 cases, 22,626 F2 cases. Of which, 44 cases have been cured, 1 death, over 2,600 F1 and nearly 22,000 F2 cases have completed their quarantine. Currently, the whole province has 59 F0 being treated, 138 F1 and 671 F2 cases are under public medical quarantine and home quarantine

The reception of F0 cases that have been cured and citizens who wish to return from Bac Giang pandemic area to the locality is strictly implemented and in accordance with regulations.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee spoke at the meeting

Specifically, up to June 21, Lang Son has received 253 F0 cases who have recovered and returned to the locality; received and immediately quarantine 671 F1 cases from Bac Giang to the locality; received 994 citizens from Bac Giang lockdown areas according to the plan of the province.

According to the assessment of the Steering Committee, the pandemic development in the area has basically been well controlled, no new infections have detected in the lockdown area. In Huu Lung district, it has been 14 days with no new cases recorded in the community. However, the risk of the outbreak and spread of disease in the community is very high because in the coming time, the number of citizens returning from Bac Giang pandemic area will be more than 10,000; the easing of services during social distancing is for economic development, if localities do not strictly comply with regulations on pandemic prevention and control, the possibility of disease spread may occur.

Speaking at the meeting, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee suggested all levels and branches continue to strictly implement measures to prevent and control the pandemic.

To ensure the good implementation of the “dual goals”, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee agreed to the easing and reopening service activities such as restaurant, physical training and sports in the districts and  city (except Huu Lung district) based on the actual situation of each locality while ensuring measures to prevent and control the pandemic.

For Huu Lung district, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee agreed with the proposal of Huu Lung district that the unit would implement the social distance according to Directive 15/CT-TTg dated March 27, 2020 of the Prime Minister on implementing social distancing (replacing Directive 16/CT-TTg previously implemented in the district).

He suggested that the units need to coordinate to develop specific and safe plans to receive over 10,000 workers in the near future; with classification – screening – quarantine – management and control in accordance with regulations, to prevent cross-infection in the quarantine area. Localities should develop plans to cope with possible situations according to the motto “4 on the spot”.

The Department of Education and Training coordinated with the Department of Health to well implement the plan to ensure the prevention and control of the Covid-19 pandemic for the high school graduation exam and the high school entrance exam and organize testing for all students and staff to ensure the highest safety.

The Steering Committee of border districts and communes continue to strictly control illegal entry and exit in border areas, prevent pandemic from entering the area.