Friday,  09/20/2024

Diversifying forms of law propaganda during the Covid-19 epidemic

– Currently, the Covid-19 epidemic is complicatedly developing, all levels and sectors both ensure the epidemic prevention and control and flexible forms of law propaganda to officials and people.

Four times a week, the mobile propaganda team of Chi Lang Border Guard Post cooperates with commune officials to use motorbikes carrying loudspeakers around main roads in villages, hamlets and villages of the two border communes to propagate laws. Colonel Do Van Thoan, Politician of Chi Lang Border Guard Post, said that the post is responsible for managing and protecting over 20 km of the border line in the area including Binh Xa commune, Dinh Lap district and Tam Gia commune, Loc Binh district. Since the beginning of 2020, when the Covid-19 epidemic broke out, they have implemented a mobile law propaganda model with portable loudspeakers. In border areas, people live sparsely, so this form has effectively promoted and promptly brought the guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State to the people.

The officer of Department of Justice distributed leaflets to propagate laws to people in Cao Loc district

Not only in the two above communes but also in border, remote areas, motorbikes carrying portable loudspeakers are increasingly popular, contributing to effectively disseminating information to the people, especially during the current Covid-19 epidemic. Along with the above form, the strength of the loudspeaker system is also promoted. Currently, in 139 out of 200 communes, wards and townships, broadcasting radios are maintained, with more than 1,000 clusters of public loudspeakers. With the frequency of broadcasting two times per day, one hour each time, mainly outside office hours for people to easily grasp information. Ms. Hoang Thi Thuy, Po Pheo village, Hoang Viet commune, Van Lang district said that living in the region 3 commune, they have little access to information technology. Thanks to the loudspeaker in the commune, they have understood a lot of law contents such as about the election, Covid-19 prevention and control, policies on cultivation and husbandry, important affairs of the commune… Since then, families abide by regulations and do not break the law.

Along with that, the form of distributing legal documents has also been focused by all levels and sectors to convey propaganda content and limit mass gatherings. From 2020 to now, departments, committees, agencies, party organizations, mass organizations of the province and districts and the city have compiled, released and distributed over 820,000 documents and materials of all kinds for law propaganda and dissemination including books, flyers, brochures and other documents. Contents of materials on propagating and disseminating laws on land, marriage and family, civil status, road traffic, health insurance, social insurance, handling administrative violations; crime and drug prevention and combat; Covid-19 prevention and control, handling violations of regulations on the epidemic prevention and control… Some units have actively compiled and published many documents such as the Provincial Police, Department of Justice, Department of Education and Training, the Propaganda and Education Commission of the Provincial Party Committee, Department of Health, the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee and so on.

Realizing the development of information technology, social networks, many agencies and units have applied them into law dissemination and education. Thereby, information content is quickly transmitted, widely connecting to many users. According to the statistics of Department of Information and Communications, the province has over 40 electronic portals and websites; more than 100 Facebook Fanpages of provincial departments, committees, agencies, unions and People’s Committees of districts and the city. It is not possible to make full statistics of Facebook accounts, Zalo groups of agencies and units in the province, but with these social networks, the law propaganda has a strong pervasive power in the community.

The officer of Chi Lang Border Guard Post, Binh Xa commune, Dinh Lap district mobily propagated laws by motorbikes carrying loudspeakers in villages in the commune

Mr. Duong Cong Luyen, Head of Department of Law Dissemination and Education and Law Enforcement Monitoring, Department of Justice said that the application of information technology and social networks in law dissemination and education is being promoted by all levels and sectors. For the justice sector, they have advised to build and put into operation the Provincial Law Dissemination and Education Website from November 2020. On average, the website publishes four articles on law propaganda every week. At the same time, maintaining the legal advice section on the page, providing outlines and documents to serve law reporters and propagandists in the province for easy access, reference and use for propaganda. Interspersing among the outbreaks of the epidemic, when the epidemic is under control, they hold conferences to propagate laws directly to officials and the people.

It can be said that by diversifying and flexibly implementing forms of law dissemination and education in the context of the Covid-19 epidemic, the work of law dissemination and education in the province has ensured the quality, effectiveness, with focus. For example, in the most recent time, during the election of the National Assembly deputies and deputies of People’s Councils at all levels for the 2021-2026 term, all levels and sectors coordinated and diversified forms of the election propaganda such as via loudspeakers and mobile propaganda. As a result, Lang Son is one of the localities with the highest voter turnout rate in the country.