Friday,  09/20/2024

Join hands to fight against domestic violence

– Implementing the Vietnam Family Development Strategy to 2020 and a vision to 2030. Over the years, the Provincial Steering Committee for Family Affairs has implemented many practical measures to raise people’s awareness against domestic violence. From there, creating  truly, peacefully families that together cultivating the foundation of a happy society.

In recent times, the increase in domestic violence is causing concern of public opinion. The family home is no longer peaceful because of the appearance of many different forms of violence such as beatings, injuries, mental terror, etc. Such acts of violence cause negative social consequences that leading to instability in the development of the family and society. Therefore, in order to build a peaceful family, this problem must first be eliminated.

Mr. Nguyen Phuc Ha, Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Deputy Head of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Family Affairs Committee, said: “Over the past years, the Provincial Committee has implemented many practical measures to prevent , fight against domestic violence, in which, focusing on propagating and providing knowledge and skills to organize family life and educate children. Simultaneously, implementing a model of domestic violence prevention in 11 out of 11 districts and city.

The Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism (on the right of the photo) awarded the certificate of merit from the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee to the family “For having excellent achievements in implementing the movement of all people to unite to build a cultural life”, 2000 – 2020 period

Accordingly, all levels, sectors, mass organizations have focused on replicating models of domestic violence prevention and happy family clubs. According to statistics, the province currently has 775 groups and models of domestic violence prevention with about 20,000 members. The establishment of domestic violence prevention group and the maintenance of sustainable operation of the models have spread, changed people’s awareness of gender equality and contributed to domestic violence prevention.

Ms. Pham Minh Hue, Head of the Culture and Information Department of Loc Binh district, said Currently, the whole district has established 17 models of domestic violence prevention in 17 communes and towns, carrying out regular activities and regularly Propagandize on domestic violence prevention to families. From 2020 until now, the department has coordinated with the People’s Committees of communes: Huu Lan, Huu Khanh, and Loc Binh town to organize 3 contests to learn about the law on domestic violence prevention with 21 teams and more than 100 contesters; distributed 300 leaflets of family behavior criteria for the pilot model of family conduct criteria for zones 7 and 9 of Na Duong town. Since then, raising people’s awareness about domestic violence prevention.

Along with the activities of domestic violence prevention models, 100% of districts, city, communes, wards and towns have established a Steering Committee with more than 2,500 members, providing a family support service system. In which, there are 27 units providing care services; 123 service providers to support people with domestic violence; 1,540 trusted addresses in the residential community.

As the role of a “home builder”, the Women’s Union cadre is one of the members of the Steering Committee at all levels, actively propagating and mobilizing members to participate in violence prevention and build a happy family. . Ms. Nong Thanh Hai, Chairwoman of the Provincial Women’s Union, said: With more than 141,000 women members, every year, all levels of associations deploy extensive propaganda, mobilizing women to build prosperous, equal, modern and happy families with 226 happy family clubs, more than 1,000 models of community trusted addresses… From the beginning of 2021 up to now, all levels of associations have propagated 913 meetings to more than 71,300 members and women, raise awareness of traditional family values, build good relationships, actively participate in solving a number of related social issues…

Young families participate in experiential activities at the Outstanding Young Family Commendation Ceremony in 2020

Along with that, the project “Educating moral lifestyle” was maintained in 11 districts and city, attracting over 10,500 people attend. From 2020 to date, “The standard of conduct in the Family” was piloted in two communes (Chi Lang commune, Chi Lang district and Bac Quynh commune, Bac Son district), attracting thousands of people to attend and register. Thereby contributing to increasing the awareness of the people about the importance of family work, work together to build a happy family, preserving the fine traditional values of Vietnam family.

With the continuous efforts of all levels and sectors, the people’s awareness of the family, the prevention of domestic violence has been increasingly enhanced. Domestic violence in the whole province tends to decrease.

In 2020, there were 121 cases of domestic violence in the province, a decrease of 64.6% compared to 2010 (342 cases). The percentage of cultural families is increasing, the next year is higher than the previous year. In 2020, the whole province has 158,249/195,833 households achieved the title of cultural family, reaching 80.8%, (up 2.4% compared to 2019). In 2021, the whole province strives to have 81% of cultural families.