Friday,  09/20/2024

The program “millions of welfare bags”: Practical for disadvantaged people affected by COVID-19

  – “Welfare bags” to provide medicines and necessities for disadvantaged people in the area affected by the COVID-19 epidemic is a meaningful activity that has been carried out by youth unions at all levels in the province.

Participating in epidemic prevention and control at the frontline makes volunteer doctors and nurses not have time with their families to care for the members. Knowing these circumstances, during the last Mid-Autumn Festival, Lang Son City Youth Union presented eight special gifts for children of doctors and nurses who are volunteering to fight the epidemic in Ho Chi Minh City. Each gift included moon cakes, milk, toys… under the “Millions of welfare bags” program. This is a timely source of encouragement from the union for those affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, demonstrating the responsibility of the youth to the society’s common problems.

The representative of Lang Son City Youth Union donated welfare bags to children of doctors and nurses who voluntarily participated in the fight against the epidemic in Ho Chi Minh City

Mr. Nguyen Van Ngoc, a doctor of the Provincial Rehabilitation Hospital participating in volunteering to fight the epidemic in Ho Chi Minh City said that recently, he has been informed by his family that there are organizations, including Lang Son City Youth Union paying a visit and giving Mid-Autumn Festival gifts to his two children. He is very touched by the fact that the agencies and units have taken care of his children on his behalf. Although the father participated in the epidemic prevention far away and was not at home to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with his family, he received the encouragement of the City Youth Union as well as the agencies and units, so the family members were all excited, he himself felt assured to well complete his task.

The program “Millions of welfare bags” launched by the Central Youth Union in August 2021 aims to support people and children affected by the COVID-19 epidemic to overcome difficulties and stabilize their lives soon. The program supports disadvantaged people living in areas that are implementing social distancing according to Directive 16 and those affected by the COVID-19 epidemic.

Ms. Le Thuy Dung, Deputy Secretary of Lang Son Provincial Youth Union, said that according to the plan, from August 2021 until the end of the epidemic, all levels of the province’s youth unions will donate and mobilize 5,000 welfare bags worth more than one million VND for those affected by the COVID-19 epidemic in the province. Funding for implementation is provided by unions at all levels in the province to mobilize resources for socialization such as mobilization among union members, youth, enterprises, small plan funds, funds from public labor, etc. collected money will be used to buy items for the “welfare bags”. Lang Son Provincial Youth Union has developed a plan and directed the district youth unions, the city youth union and affiliated youth unions to coordinate with relevant agencies to review and make statistics of those who need support and increase mobilization and donation.

The ” welfare bag” of Lang Son Provincial Youth Union is divided into two types: “welfare gift bag” and “welfare medicine bag”. In particular, the ” welfare gift bag” includes the necessities needed for a week such as rice, cooking oil, eggs, dried fish, canned meat, spices, vegetables, etc., worth from 250,000 VND or more; the ” welfare medicine bag” includes basic medicines for COVID-19 prevention and control under the guidance of the Ministry of Health such as Paracetamol, Acetylcysteine, Multi Vitamin, throat rinse, 0.9% saline, Vitamin C, face masks… worth 150,000 VND/bag.

The representative of Lang Son City Youth Union donated welfare bags to children of doctors and nurses who voluntarily participated in COVID-19 prevention and control in Ho Chi Minh City

The recipients of the “welfare bag” are disadvantaged people in the social distancing area according to Directive 16 in the province; workers in export processing zones and industrial parks losing their jobs; disadvantaged people, people suffering from dangerous diseases or disabilities; disadvantaged families having members who are F0, F1; children of doctors, nurses are performing their duties at the frontline…Since the launch of the “Millions of welfare bags” program, up to now, all levels of youth unions across the province have mobilized resources to socialize 2,924 welfare bags (including 2,817 gift bags, 107 medicine bags) donated to disadvantaged people affected by the COVID-19 epidemic in the districts of Van Lang, Trang Dinh and some areas in the province.

Through actual implementation, it can be seen that the “Millions of welfare bags” program has been implemented practically and effectively in Lang Son. Through this program, it further affirms the pioneering role of the youth union in the implementation of social security programs for the sake of the community.