Friday,  09/20/2024

Praising 76 typical families of workers, officials and employees of the province in the period 2016-2020

– On October 15, the Provincial Confederation of Labor held a conference to honor the typical families of workers, officials and employees of the province in the 2016-2020 period.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee attended and directed the conference.

Attending the conference were the representatives of 76 typical families of workers, officials and employees representing other over 41,000 families in the province.

Over the years, the Confederation of Labor at all levels from the province to the grassroots have always paid attention to taking care of and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of workers, officials and employees, been interested in building their happy families. Emulation movements, member welfare programs, and operating models of the Confederation of Labor at grassroots level have contributed to building their harmonious and happy families.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee speaks at the conference

As a result, every year, the whole province has over 87% of female members and workers of the Confederation of Labor winning the title of “Doing good at work and at home”; More than 95% of family members and employees have won the title of “Cultural Family”, “Typical Cultural Family” in their residential areas.

Along with that, the work of social security, supporting families of members and employees in difficult circumstances are always concerned by Confederations of Labor at all levels to encourage its members to overcome difficulties, stabilize their lives and contribute to their work.

From 2016 up to now, the Provincial Confederation of Labor has supported 168 families of its members and workers with difficult circumstances to build and repair houses with a total amount of over 4.2 billion VND; supporting 217 members and workers suffering from dangerous diseases, natural disasters, fires with an amount of over 218 million VND…

Families share their experiences and secrets of building a happy family

Speaking at the conference, Mr. Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee praised and congratulated the achievements of typical families of workers, officials and employees, at the same time recognized and appreciated the role of the Confederations of Labor at all levels in directing and implementing family affairs among workers, officials and employees.

He also requested that in the coming time, Confederations of Labor at all levels should focus on thoroughly grasping the Party’s guidelines, the State’s policies and laws on family affairs; strengthen coordination with all levels, sectors, agencies, units and businesses and promote the role and responsibility to set an example of leaders, cadres and party members in grasping and implementing family affairs; promote emulation movements among workers, officials and employees; renew content, diversify forms of communication about family, domestic violence prevention and control; inspect and supervise the implementation of laws, welfares and policies towards employees, especially female and child workers; strengthen coordination with authorities, professional agencies and employers in reviewing, mobilizing, supporting and helping the families of employees in difficult circumstances and affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Leaders of Provincial People’s Committee, Provincial Labor Confederation award Certificates and flowers to typical families of workers, officials and employees

At the conference, the delegates had the opportunity to interact with typical families, listen to their stories and share about their experiences in overcoming difficulties, taking care and being filial to elderly parents, raising well-behaved and successful children and building a happy family.

In the agenda, the Provincial Confederation of Labor praised and rewarded one typical family at the national level and rewarded 75 typical families at the provincial level. These are the most typical examples in building a family among workers, officials and employees which is “prosperous, progressive, happy and civilized” in the 2016-2020 period.