Friday,  09/20/2024

Promoting the role of the Community Covid Team

– After a period of establishment and operation, Community Covid teams in the area have promoted their role, supported functional forces in propagating, mobilizing and supervising the People, contributing to improving the quality of life and the effectiveness of the prevention and control of the Covid-19 pandemic…

The regular work of Ms. Linh Thi Dao, Village Head, Community Covid Team Leader of Da Do village, Cai Kinh commune, Huu Lung district over the past time has been to supervise and inform households in the area about the measures to prevent the Covid-19 pandemic; to control specific cases of people in the village going, returning or passing pandemic provinces and areas, then to request their medical declaration.

Ms. Dao said: “The Community Covid Team of the village has 6 members, including Village Head, police officer, Head of the Civil Army Team and the representatives of some mass organizations. In May and June 2021, the village has nearly 60 cases of F2, F3 and people returning from pandemic areas, the Team has regularly reminded people during their quarantine at home to strictly follow regulations on pandemic prevention, encouraged the people not to panic in the pandemic. Along with that, there is a checkpoint for pandemic prevention and control in the village at the border with Ho Son commune, the Team members have coordinated to monitore people entering and leaving the village. Thanks to that, the pandemic in residential areas was controlled, there were no F0 cases.”

Members of the Community Covid Team in Hoang Tan village, Hoang Dong commune, Lang Son city propagated on the prevention and control of Covid – 19 to the people in the area

Mr. Lam Van Canh, Xa Dan village, Van Linh commune, Chi Lang district said: “I used to work as a worker in an industrial park in Bac Giang province, when I returned to locality, I carried out the public quarantine at the Ethnic Boarding Secondary and High School in the district. After completing the quarantine here, I was allowed to go home and carry out self-quarantine and monitor my health at home within 7 days. At this time, I have little opportunity to update information, but thanks to the Community Covid Team, I understand more about the pandemic and strictly follow the pandemic prevention and control measures, ensuring the safety of myself, my family and people around me. I am also regularly visited, encouraged and supported by members of the Community Covid Team of the village to buy necessities when needed…”

According to the reporter’s research, currently, the whole province has 2,161 Community Covid Teams in villages and residential areas, with 11,540 participants. These Teams were established according to Official Letter No. 145-CV/BDVTU, dated May 27, 2021 of the Mass Mobilization Commission of the Provincial Party Committee. Ms. Luc Thanh Ha, Standing Deputy Head of the Mass Mobilization Commission of the Provincial Party Committee, said: “Implementing this Official Letter, by May 31, 2021, 100% of residential areas have established their own Community Covid Teams, with the purpose of supervising and promoting Covid-19 prevention and control in households and groups of households, acting as a bridge between the Party committee, local government and the health sector and the People, making people feel secure and confident in pandemic prevention and control. At the same time, they are to grasp people’s thoughts, aspirations and issues arising in the community, through quick reports from Zalo groups, helping all levels and sectors to promptly handle and adjust to suit the practice, contributing to the control of the pandemic…”

Ms. Hoang Thi Thuy, Vice Chairwoman of the District People’s Committee, Deputy Head of the Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control in Loc Binh District, said: “Following the direction of the Mass Mobilization Commission of the Provincial Party Committee, from the end of May 2021, the Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control (Steering Committee) of the district has directed 100% of communes and towns to establish Community Covid Teams. The number of Teams and members depends on the characteristics and practice of each commune and town (from 1 to 5 Community Covid Teams per village). As a result, the whole district has established 326 Community Covid Teams in 220 villages, hamlets and street blocks with more than 1,000 members.”

With the close direction of the Steering Committees at all levels, members of Community Covid Teams actively propagated, reminded and supervised the People to strictly comply with regulations on pandemic prevention and control, especially cases  returning from pandemic areas. In June 2021, Loc Binh district had more than 1,200 citizens working in Bac Giang industrial zones returning to the area, who were screened and well managed, with the aim to controlling disease outbreaks in the community.

Up to now, after a month of implementation, the Community Covid Teams in the area have managed and monitored over 181,260 families, provided tens of thousands of information through the Zalo groups and written papers about the prevention and control of the Covid -19 pandemic in the area. In addition, members of these Teams also participated in mobilizing resources to help frontline forces in pandemic prevention and control and people in quarantine areas with a total value of nearly 4.9 billion VND; including 3.3 billion VND of cash, 480 million of other forms.

It can be said that, with a high sense of responsibility, members of Community Covid Team have created a battle with the hearts of the people in the prevention and control of the Covid-19 pandemic, helping all levels and sectors to control the pandemic.

Thanks to the contributions of the Community Covid Team, the pandemic prevention and control in the area has achieved remarkable results. Specifically, from May 6, 2021 to 6:00 pm on June 30, 2021, the whole province has cured 69 cases of F0 and having treated and monitored 39 cases; 2,768 F1 and over 22,500 F2 who have completed their quarantine…